How to convert ETH to ZEE on Uniswap.

Step by Step Guide to trade ZEE on Uniswap.

3 min readFeb 1, 2021

-- is a decentralized protocol for automated liquidity provision on Ethereum. Here is the step by step guide for beginners on buying ZEE from ETH on Uniswap.

Visit here to Convert Eth to ZEE

Step 1. Visit and click on Launch app

Step 2. Click on Connect to a wallet

Step 3. Select your wallet — MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Fortmatic or other.

Step 4. Once your wallet is connected click on Select token

Step 5. Copy and Paste the $ZEE Smart Contract-0x2edf094db69d6dcd487f1b3db9febe2eec0dd4c5 in the select token window.

*Always select the tokens, by searching from smart contract to avoid any trickery.

Step 6. Now add the amount of ETH to trade with ZEE and Click on SWAP

Step 7. As you click on SWAP, it would ask you for confirmation Click on Confirm SWAP

Step 8. Once it's confirmed it would connect you to the wallet again and would ask to approve the transaction and click confirm.

Here you go! The transaction is completed, and now you can check your ZEE balance in your wallet.

Happy Trading 🎉

About Zeroswap: — Zeroswap is a multi-chain compatible decentralised exchange aggregator focused on making zero-fee transactions possible. We are aiming to make on-chain trading simple and easy, by providing access to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, DEXes access under one roof. One of the core utility of $ZEE is to reduce friction in fundraising using digital assets.

Partnership — Zeroswap shook hands with, Covalent, Frontier, Elrond, Diadata, Altonomy. Each of the partnerships lays a solid foundation of our vision “MultiChain Dex Aggregation”

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