Why is multi-chain IDO important to your project?

Knowledge Swap Series — 2nd Edition

3 min readApr 10, 2021


Knowledge Swap Series

TL; DR: The first time crypto caught mainstream media’s eye was when the Initial Coin Offering created a bubble in the markets, taking token prizes to then all-time-high. We also saw the rise of Initial Exchange Offerings later, but that too faded off as centralized exchanges couldn’t transfer the benefits of pure decentralization. This article will see the next frontier’s evolution in raising funds with IDO and why the best foot forward for them is to go multi-chain.

We’ve seen DeFi go over the roof and the rally bringing back attention to capital raising in a more improved form. Enter IDO’s — the new way of raising money over decentralized exchanges tied together with the loose ends concerning security left behind in ICO’s and did deliver on the power of decentralization that was missing in IEO’s

Multichain is the future of Web 3.0

The previous fundraising approaches failed because they relied on tokens based on a single chain and lacked accessibility and openness. Let’s look at how going multi-chain is a feature and not a bug for your project with the following key elements,

Interoperability: With interoperability in place, capital raising via a token reaches an all-new level allowing companies and projects to launch their tokens on several blockchains at once.

Network effects: Running a multichain IDO will help address the opportunity cost involved when you only go with one chain.

Cost of rebuilding: Projects who choose to go with a multichain IDO do not have to reinvent the wheel again and again for different chains. In most cases, the platform bears the cost and provides a unified experience to the community.

Rewards earning potential: Owing to its multichain capabilities, investors get an opportunity to earn rewards and switch as and when they find better incentive programs that align with their goals.

As a project, the core focus needs to be a better user experience. Going multichain will solve the user experience challenge and make it accessible to investors and stakeholders from all the chains rather than missing out on others’ best by being present on only one blockchain.

ZeeDO Multichain IDO Platform — A better DeFi Funding experience

With a clear understanding of all the nuances of tokenized funding, Zeroswap has recently launched a multi-chain IDO platform called ZeeDo. The main aim of ZeeDo is to make tokenized fundraising simple, fair, transparent, and accessible to a broader audience across all investors by providing access to multiple chains like Ethereum, BSC, Polkadot, and Elrond under one roof.

While there are still concerns around the unfair distribution of tokens even with IDO across the industry, ZeeDo looks to empower companies and projects with a simplified and streamlined token sale on multiple chains.

The multichain strategy not only broadens the reach but also provides unmatched visibility. ZeeDo permits a fair distribution of tokens by monitoring it by ChainLink VRF randomizer so that all users get equal opportunities to participate during token offerings.

This innovation by ZeeDo cuts the market manipulations that mighty whales do, thus eliminating the influence of specialized market makers.

About ZeroSwap and ZeeDO:

ZeroSwap is a multi-chain compatible decentralized exchange aggregator focused on making zero-fee transactions possible. We aim to make on-chain trading simple and easy by providing access to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and DEXes access under one roof. One of the core utilities of ZEE is to reduce friction in fundraising using digital assets; in order to solve that, we have been building a Dex Offering Platform Called — ZeeDO.

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