ZeroSwap Gasless DEX: How to use it?

Brief Description of MultiChain Compatible Zero Gas & Fees; ZeroSwapDEX

4 min readApr 8, 2022


DEX Function

What is ZeroSwapDEX?

ZeroSwapDEX is a multichain liquidity aggregator that enables users to access on-chain swaps without paying gas and at zero fees. At its core, ZeroSwap aims to be the best interface for accessing on-chain liquidity in the cheapest way possible. Whether you agree, multichains are the future of blockchains, and we are building it one block at a time.

How to access Gasless swaps with Zero Fees?

User Story to Swap Tokens on ZeroSwap Gasless DEX

There are three basic steps to be followed to enjoy gas-less swaps:

  1. Stake $ZEE in the Staking Contract: You will be given free trades per day based on the no of $ZEE staked. (1000 $ZEE gives you 10 Free Trades/Day)
  2. Select token Pair to Swap
  3. Enjoy Gas-less Trades with Zero Fee

NOTE: There’s no staking requirement to access Gasless Swaps on the Avalanche Network

Steps to follow while using the DEX

Step 1: Open the ZeroSwap DEX

Step 2: Connect Your Wallet and grant permission to connect with your wallet. We’ll connect with MetaMask for this walkthrough.

Step 3: Once the wallet is connected, you’ll see the interface with your available Free Trades and Detailed Breakdown about your $ZEE.

IMP: You can swap tokens in the DEX without staking $ZEE in the direct mode, but gasless swaps won’t be enabled. Swaps would be carried over by paying your own gas cost.

NOTE: Make sure you connect to the correct network in your wallet, or else you’ll see the following error. (Binance to Binance Network, Polygon to Polygon Network, etc.)

Step 4: Now, select the token pair you’d like to swap. You’ll automatically see the available balance in your wallet in the UI.

Step 5: Now press the “Deposit” button.

You can deposit as much BNB as you want in the transaction and then seamlessly swaps later.

NOTE: If you are swapping a token pair from BNB, you’ll have to pay a nominal token-pair approval fee.

Step 6: Once you confirm the transaction, you’ll see the confirmation on your UI, and now the “Swap” button will be enabled.

Step 7: Now, Click the “Swap” button. The following image will pop up. Click “Confirm Swap”

Step 8: You’ll see a pop-up to sign the transaction. Click “Sign”

Step 9: Once that’s done, you’ll see the following screen, and it’s done!

Step 10: You’ll see the updated breakdown in the UI and can confirm the same on your wallet.

If you face any issue and need assistance for the same, contact our Support Team directly on the Support Portal.

DEX Audit Report

You can access the audit report here.

About ZeroSwap and ZeeDO

ZeroSwap is a multichain compatible decentralized exchange aggregator focused on making zero-fee transactions possible. We aim to make on-chain trading simple and easy by providing access to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche and DEXes access under one roof.

One of the core utilities of ZEE is to reduce friction in fundraising using digital assets. To solve that, we have built a DEX Offering Platform Called — ZeeDO.

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