Meet Belinda

Published in
1 min readApr 11, 2018

Last year, I got one of the best birthday gifts ever… my own plant! Mom mom said it’s a snake plant. I’m not really sure. I checked online, and I think the term snake plant refers to a certain range of plants. Oh well! It doesn’t matter! I love my plant. This is the second plant I ever owned, one of which died for feng shui reasons I think.

I’m so proud to share that I’m next level with Belinda because I repurposed an ice cream can to build her new home. I also prepared an organic surrounding for her so she can grow more and more. I’m excited!

So if you’re looking for a bigger planter for your plant babies, you might want to consider repurposing used ice cream containers for the job. I think plastic containers would be easier to drill a home on, but either would be fine. I think the tin cans fit my vibe more though! I love the aesthetic especially the can I used is in the shade copper.

Just a trivia, I never thought I’d be this excited about repurposing an ice cream can. I’ve seen this even as a child in the province, and I never thought that this day would come when I’d think to myself, wow cool.

But you know what, it is cool! It’s always cool when you give new life to things you’ve enjoyed in full. Upcycling, alongside recycling and less plastic consumption is cool!

