Revealed: Zest’s web & mobile Stream beta results [eye opening 👁️]

Tal Atzmon
Published in
5 min readJun 8, 2018

On May 29 we beta launched the new Zest Stream with the goal of making Zest accessible everywhere — on any browser and any platform.

When we launched the beta, we reached out to a targeted group of Zest members who agreed to test the Zest web and mobile Stream beta. We also published this beta invite Medium article and asked everyone to join and give us a hand.

We created a triggered survey using Typeform and made sure that the structure of the survey and the questions would be hyper-engaging and would get our beta members curious.

Next week (June 12, 2018) we’re launching the official Zest Stream on Product Hunt so it’s a great opportunity to share the key points that we learned from the beta survey and the whole process.

We did fuck up a little bit (see at the bottom of this post), but the stats and results are mesmerizing

  • 214 beta members were asked to complete the survey. The response rate was impressive.
  • 70% of our beta members have more than 4 years of experience in marketing.
  • We asked our beta members to test the new stream wherever they felt more comfortable. Here’s the platform test distribution.
  • We bit our fingers constantly on this one as this is the first time our beta members experienced Zest on a mobile device.
  • Overall, our beta members had a very good experience.
  • OMGOMGOMG: Speaking of experience, 96% feel confident to recommend Zest to other marketers 🙏🙏🙏

Geeking out with more data

  • Among the desktop beta members, the majority tested it on a Mac.
  • As to the desktop browser distribution? Well, that didn’t surprise us 😉
  • Similar to the desktop beta members, the majority of mobile beta members are Apple users.
  • And… Chrome leads on mobile as well.

Sharing emotions: Our beloved Zest members spilled it all out

These comments surprised us a LOT!!!1 And between us, this is where the secret sauce is. This reflects the Zest tribe’s brain power and community engagement.

Out of the 102 survey replies, 84 beta members filled up the open comment section: “Anything else you’d like to add (comments, bugs, etc.)?

The average word count on this section was a whopping 166 characters.

[We love you so much, the Zest tribe members. LIKE REALLY]

“Enjoyed the platform, has replaced Growth Hackers (and former) Inbound as my go to place for this type of content. I keep it open as my home page tab.”

“Zest has essentially replaced Feedly for me, and I recommend it to everyone I know.”

“I LOVE the mobile version and have used it 10x more then my desktop. Thanks Zest!”

“I really enjoy Zest’s chrome app but now I also love the desktop version. It makes it easy for me to be able to curate articles for my social media feeds and also inspires my future blog posts. Much love!”

“Keep up the great work. I’m really enjoying Zest and have been using it exclusively to find resources to work off of!”

And here are two comments we found VERY funny 😆

“Probably the best thing since sliced bread (but good bread, Challah, not Wonder Bread)”

“Каћа, јел планираш да идеш на неки испит, некад? Ни ја :)”

Well, we didn’t really understand the last one 🤔

But after sharing the comments with the rest of the Zesteam, our sweet Katarina Andrejević told me that It’s a private joke between her and one of our Zest members.

Love the openness our members feel with the team. Truly unique IMO.

The beta testers have sharp eyes, indeed. Here are a few bugs that were recurring in their feedback:

  • Members who used our Chrome extension and tried the web application on mobile, were surprised that their personal preferences (Tags & Theme) didn’t appear on mobile.
  • Mobile members commented that the Stream ran like a cheetah, however some images took more time to load.
  • Another thing that came up was that on ‘Share to Twitter’, dialogue included only the post URL w/o the post image 🤦‍
  • Also, our sharing icons appear too small on mobile devices.
  • Lastly, we asked our beta members about their experience when sharing a Zest posts to Trello or Slack, and we missed the ‘I don’t use these apps’ option in the survey. A few beta members ended up giving us a random rank…

You got us! We will make sure all of the above will be solved.

One more thing…

The question we asked was:

The thing is that the Explore Mode doesn’t exist in the Zest mobile Stream.

The Easter Egg question was added by me in order to make sure the survey was well constructed. It should reflect the flow and level of engagement of the beta members with the survey.

Luckily only 3 marked this option on this question, which means that the survey was quite straightforward and clear. 🤓

Have anything else to add? feel free to comment as well.

Love you all from here > — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — < to here 💛

Tal and the Zesteam



Tal Atzmon

Passionate Product guy | Innovation Expert | Public Speaker | Entrepreneur. Lives and works @ Tel Aviv, the Startup Nation.