Mastering React’s useId Hook: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Love Trivedi
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2024


React.js is one of the most popular frontend JavaScript libraries, known for its simplicity and efficiency in building user interfaces. With the introduction of hooks in React 16.8, developers gained a powerful toolset to manage stateful logic within functional components. Among these hooks, the useId hook stands out for its utility in managing unique identifiers. In this article, we'll explore the useId hook in depth, providing a comprehensive guide along with numerous examples to illustrate its usage.

Understanding useId Hook:

The useId hook is a custom hook designed to generate unique identifiers within React functional components. It is particularly useful when working with dynamic lists or components that require unique keys for proper rendering and performance optimization. Unlike manually managing IDs, which can be error-prone and tedious, the useId hook automates the process, ensuring consistency and reliability in your applications.


The syntax for the useId hook is straightforward:

import { useId } from 'react';

const MyComponent = () => {
const id = useId();

return (
<div id={id}>
{/* Your component content */}


Now, let’s dive into various examples to demonstrate the versatility of the useId hook:

Generating Unique Keys for List Items:

import { useId } from 'react';

const MyListComponent = ({ items }) => {
return (
{ => (
<li key={useId()}>{item}</li>

Creating Unique IDs for Form Inputs:

import { useId } from 'react';

const MyForm = () => {
const usernameId = useId();
const passwordId = useId();

return (
<label htmlFor={usernameId}>Username:</label>
<input type="text" id={usernameId} />

<label htmlFor={passwordId}>Password:</label>
<input type="password" id={passwordId} />

Dynamic Component Rendering with Unique IDs:

import { useId } from 'react';

const DynamicComponent = ({ components }) => {
return (
{, index) => (
<div key={useId()}>
<Component key={index} />

Managing Accordion Panels:

import { useId } from 'react';

const Accordion = ({ panels }) => {
return (
{ => (
<div key={useId()}>
<button aria-controls={useId()}>{panel.title}</button>
<div id={useId()}>{panel.content}</div>


In conclusion, the useId hook in React.js offers a convenient solution for generating unique identifiers within functional components. By automating the process of ID generation, it simplifies development and reduces the likelihood of errors. Whether you're working with dynamic lists, form inputs, or complex component structures, the useId hook proves to be a valuable tool in your React toolkit. Incorporate it into your projects to enhance readability, maintainability, and overall efficiency.



Love Trivedi

Full Stack Developer | Problem Solver | Knowledge Share, 🚀 Expertise: JavaScript enthusiast specializing in ReactJS, Angular, and Node.js.