Power of Gratitude in life

Ajay Singh
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2018

Gratitude in simple and easy words, gratitude means the quality of being thankful to everyone in every situation of life.

Gratitude allows us to live and celebrate the present. It enhancing positive emotions of life. Gratitude is more than feeling grateful, it is a deeper admiration. It is the moments, for occasion, and things that will give you goosebumps through your entire body. This deep admiration gives you a feeling of positivity in your mind and actions.But gratitude makes us admire the value of something, and when we admire the value of something, then we will extract more and more benefits from it. And then we will less likely to take it for granted.

Benefits of gratitude in life

  1. Gratitude can help you to create healthy habits in life. Because grateful people take better care of themselves than their less grateful people in life.
  2. Gratitude gives you peace of mind. Those people who have great peace of mind tend to be less greedy than those who are not. Those who give thanks are less likely to judge their own success as well as the success of others people in life.
  3. Grateful people are less jealous of others in real life.
  4. People who show an attitude of gratitude is more likely to be satisfied with what they already have.
  5. Being grateful makes you more powerful. One of the greatest predictors of joy and triumph is your level of flexibility. That is your knowledge to jump back from difficulties and failures. And one way to become more powerful is through gratitude in life.

Why is gratitude very essential to the success in your life?

  1. When you have an attitude of gratitude, then you will be awarded more. It is not continuously we are fully thankful for what we have that we will be awarded more and more. Success is like the law of laziness when in action it stays in action in your life.
  2. When you have a positive attitude then you choose to focus on the good things on a regular basis, your days will be happier more and more. Then your bucket will seem complete. Your wealth result will be great. This attitude becomes very essential when you are faced with a challenge in your life.
  3. This point is my favourite gratitude will improve relationships. Gratitude makes us more loving, more honest, more social, and more understanding of life. And this will helps us in making quality friends, deepen our present relationships, and also enhance business relationships. If you know the benefit of practising gratitude on the daily lifestyle, then you can feel better sleep, better living, and a boost in your career to achieve goals in life. This action helps you achieve your goals and so much beyond imagination. When you are fully thankful, you are regularly looking at the positive side of things in life.

Disadvantages of gratitude in life

There are some disadvantages of gratitude in life and that is very important to know about them please have a look at some points below:-

  1. It is obviously assuming that someone who thankful you on your face is your worst enemy in this world. Gratitude may break someone’s life. It may take someone towards the opposite path. It invokes confusion of being best. To be champion, you have to face ups and downs of life which are very challenging situations to bear for that kind of character. Thankfulness is the biggest difficulties that may take you away from your goal sometime but obviously not every time in your life.
  2. Nowadays, Insulting someone is no lesser than a self-destruction. No one is going to take it positively sometimes people take it has in the very wrong way in real life. Some people of psychologically disordered take it as a dare. They think about it as an Issue on their self-respect. So they just found all of their separate strengths and are not going miss a single chance to harm you domestically, mentally, physically and financially. So insulting some is like putting hands in the fire in the life.

And this is the end of this article if want to learn and know more about gratitude there are lots of knowledge around over the internet you can simply find your doubt about gratitude in life.

This is my first article about life and success i hope you will like it,and i will be writing more article about life as soon as possible.

Clap 👏 for this article if you find it useful 😃.

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Ajay Singh

I love web development and I believe learning can’t stop in life and I am a very good listener, want greatness in life, passionate towards learning new things.