Asking for better employee benefits 101: Rajinikanth style

Zeta Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2017

In a few months you’re probably going to be handed a revised salary offer. Whether you’re happy with it or not, you still deserve something more. While more money would be one approach, asking for tax saving benefits would be easier. Tax saving employee benefits like medical reimbursement, fuel reimbursements and meal cards would, as well as other benefits like cab drops and medical insurance would be right on the money.

The problem is that asking for such things is where things usually get a little difficult. So, here’s a little help from Super Star Rajinikanth.

Be charming
While asking for better employee benefits, use thalaivar’s approach to winning over his adversaries. At the end of the day, a little charm never did any harm.

Let them know you mean business
If your company is not the type to be won over with a smile, it’s time to show some confidence. If confidence isn’t something that comes to you naturally, fake it till you make it; let the Super Star give you some pointers.

Bring backup
Get your colleagues to ask for better tax saving benefits too. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall.

Don’t be afraid to bring out the big guns
Obviously we aren’t referring to actual guns. What we mean is don’t be afraid to play hardball and drop hints that you’re thinking of better opportunities.

The show must go on
Not getting exactly what you want? It still makes good sense in finding out what your company can offer and picking the ones that make the most sense. Remember to put on your Rajini face as you sign and accept the offer.

Attitude of gratitude
You may have gotten what you wanted, or you may have agreed to meet in the middle, either way always remember to leave with a smile and don’t forget to say thanks.



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