Cafeteria problems that data can solve

Zeta Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2018

Tell us if this is a familiar sight at your office cafeteria: you and your cafeteria vendors can never seem to agree upon month-end settlements without a little back and forth, and new vendors take a few months before they understand the demand for different items on their menu. While a lot of time and effort go into making corporate cafeterias function like a well oiled machine, data can help you see results much faster.

How data reduces food wastage

It’s heartbreaking to see food prepared for the day being thrown in the bin. While you could give away the excess food to the needy, there’s always the chance that food could go bad or go to waste. A more effective solution is to make just enough If the entire ordering process could be routed through a digitised corporate cafeteria solution, say, employees could view menus and place orders through one interface and detailed consumption reports could be generated. A quick analysis of the data could reveal what employees like to eat, how many plates of a particular order is likely to be consumed and how much needs to be prepared.

How data ensures transparency

You can know exactly how much vendors are earning at your cafeteria thanks to the power of data. A digitised corporate cafeteria solution can help you track orders, generate revenue reports and know exactly how well a vendor is performing, giving you a comprehensive view of the workings of your cafeteria.

How data helps with reconciliation

If you’ve implemented a free or subsidised meal programme at your cafeteria, ensuring that vendors are paid correctly can be a task. Fortunately, a digitised corporate cafeteria solution can help you keep an exact count of the meals consumed, ensuring all bills with vendors are settled accurately.

How data can make your cafeteria a happy place

By now it’s no surprise that there’s no dearth of data that can be generated from your cafeteria through a digitised solution. This data can help you gauge employee and vendor preferences, from foods to preferred modes of payment and make suitable adjustments. These systems can also help you implement a feedback process where employees can express their likes and dislikes with the way the cafeteria functions, ensuring that lunchtime can be fully stress-free.

The power of data is seemingly infinite and could help you in more ways than one. What kind of data would you like to access? How would you use it? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @ZetaIndia



Zeta Blog

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