Mastered how to take a selfie? Here are 5 better uses for your smartphone camera

Zeta Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2018

Makes for a great mirror
Some use it to make sure our hair is in place before we take a selfie, so there’s no denying the use of the selfie camera as a mirror. Use it to make sure your lipstick is on point too.

Document scanner
Between losing your wallet and not losing your wallet, we’d strongly recommend the latter. Purely because of how much of a hassle it is to get IDs replaced. Since one does not choose to lose, use your smartphone camera to click and save pictures. It makes getting duplicates so much easier.

Memory booster
Unfortunately, as much as our memory serves us to take a selfie, it’s not very good at remembering other things like that amazing coffee shop one may have visited last Tuesday, which had a fairly tricky name. It helps to click a photo and use it to jog our memory before coffee has worked its magic.

Click and claim
Let’s not deny how much of a task it is to fill a medical reimbursement form every month to make claims. Fortunately, there are some solutions that let you make digital claims via your smartphone and file them on the go. We really like this one :P

Remember where you parked
A day at the mall needs to end on a good note, and not remembering where you parked is not good way. Click a picture of exactly where you parked to make life easy. Kill two birds with one stone and take a selfie, while you’re at it.

Bonus: Pay for food
The next generation in cafeteria payments happens via your smartphone camera. All the cool kids are scanning QR codes and paying in an instant. Maybe you should too.

What do you use your smartphone camera for? Tell us in the comments or tweet to us @ZetaIndia



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