Activating your Super Card

Zeta Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2016

The Zeta Super Card adds more value into a much loved mode of making payments — the universal plastic card. Zeta, if you’ll remember, is all about making the paying experience easier, safer, faster and just plain intuitive. That’s why it was extremely satisfying for us to build the Super Card into the product it is.

Simply, the Zeta Super Card is the plastic manifestation of the Zeta app.

It can do almost everything the app can, and can be used without or without the app. Use it like a debit card for meal vouchers; swipe it at any food outlet that accepts card payments. But that’s not all. The Zeta Super Card is actually a lot more than that. But we’ll get to that in due time (stay tuned).

If you’re an HR manager, you’ll be happy to know that the Zeta Super Card too (just like the entire Zeta Meal Voucher programme) is highly customisable. We can set it up exactly the way you want. What’s more, it has the smarts enough to know where spending is permissible, and where it isn’t. So you can be sure that your employees use their vouchers to buy food and non-alcoholic beverages only.

The Zeta Super Card is powered by MasterCard payment technology that offers solid reliability and a hassle-free experience. Of course, you can use it to make online purchases too.

So you have your Zeta Super Card, but you’re wondering what your next move is? Take it out for a spin, of course! But before that, you’ll have to activate it. Watch this 50 second video to find out how to activate your Zeta Super Card in 4 simple steps.



Zeta Blog

Zeta is making payments, cafeterias, gifts and rewards digital, fast, inclusive and safe. Keep reading to know more.