What actually matters in employee gifting

Zeta Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2018

A little appreciation makes a world of difference — especially at the workplace. To feel valued at work, employees need to know that their hard work is being acknowledged. That’s precisely why employee gifting and rewards and recognition are for.

However, choosing the ideal gift for employees with varied preferences can be a challenging task. Imagine putting in efforts on a gifting exercise only to realise employees don’t find useful. If you want to avoid such situations, here are things you need to know that actually matter in employee gifting today:

Bridge the generation gap

Your workforce is made up of people belonging to at least two generations — Gen X and millennials. Gifts that are acceptable to one set is not ideal for the other. Rings a bell?

Not a day early or late; gift on time
From planning to procurement, employee gifting can be an extensive exercise. One gaffe and the entire gifting program can fall flat. If gifting is not done on time, it loses value and relevance. Do you concur?

Be inclusive and fair
No matter where your employees are working from, everyone deserves to be included in your gifting exercise. Think again, have you been inclusive and fair with your gifting module?

Want to know what else you need to consider while planning your next gifting exercise? Download the e-book on “Employee Gifting and R&R: 5 things that actually matter” and unlock the secrets to a foolproof gifting exercise.



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