Why digitising claims should be your top priority in 2018

Zeta Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2017

Bills and papers everywhere, not a place to sit!

Spent most of your working years managing employee tax claims offline? Let 2018 be the year of change.

Digital claims are the need of the hour, both for employers and employees. Advancing technology has given corporates the option of breaking free from the shackles of time-taking procedures and manual management of tax-saving employee claims. In the last two years, a lot of corporates in India have jumped onto the digital claims bandwagon. If you haven’t already, make this your 2018’s top work priority. Here’s why:

Better use of time: Why should you use your time managing claims manually when there’s an easy digital alternative? Once a corporate implements digital claims for medical, phone and internet, LTA, fuel, it means zero effort to implement or manage the programmes manually. In fact, many companies, using such claims procedure for employees, believe they are saving 90% time and effort in managing the solutions. Talk about better utilisation of time saved and digital claims is your way to go in 2018.

Saving overhead costs: It’s not just time, overhead costs too can be substantially reduced with digital claims. No requirement of a full team to handle the procedure, no courier costs, no logistical investments, digital claims run on clicks and taps, in the blink of an eye.

Offering employees more value than: Employees often shy away from claiming tax benefits because of the sheer complication involved in making the claims. Saving paper bills, filling out forms, documenting everything manually and more, can be a real challenge. Digital claims mean an easier way of claiming reimbursements for employees and therefore offering them more value. So, digitise your claims systems and be ready to be greeted with some smiles!

Actually enjoying your work: Do not carry the burden of manual work into 2018. Allow yourself the freedom to enjoy your work by making it easy with digital claims. Manage all claims on one digital platform and outsource verifications of bills. Enjoy your work and freedom from tedious processes.

So, here’s to making big changes in 2018. It’s time to do your work with minimum effort. Let digital claims be your way to better employee tax benefits, both for your company as well as your employees. It’s time to move onwards and upwards.



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