Canada Economic Development Provides Zetane with $100k to Accelerate the Commercialization of Cutting-Edge Software for Innovation in Artificial Intelligence

Press release: Government funding serves to support the company execute an unfettered release of its software on the global market.

Jason Behrmann, PhD


The visual, intuitive interface of the Zetane AI engine & environment makes machine learning technology more accessible to diverse teams of experts in business and industry. Thanks to funding from the Canadian Government, the software will be available to any business or organization starting August 28.

[Montreal Canada, August 18 2020] Businesses will gain expedited access to bleeding-edge software for advanced applications of artificial intelligence (AI) thanks to a $100 000 investment from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED; DEC in French). The recipient Montreal-region technology company, Zetane Systems, will invest an equivalent amount in order to commercialize their unique AI engine and development environment suite of digital tools for enterprise; the company’s software will now be broadly available for purchase starting August 28. To date, Zetane’s AI engine and development environment was available to a select few corporations, technology start-ups and research institutes. The economic fall-out from the current public health crisis motivated the company to request government…



Jason Behrmann, PhD
Writer for

Marketing, communications and ethics specialist in AI & technology. SexTech commentator and radio personality on Passion CJAD800. Serious green thumb and chef.