How to buy ZetoTokens on your phone

Shane Breatnach
Published in
5 min readMay 4, 2018

There are plenty of tools out there to manage your Ether wallet, send Ether and view token balances. But, most of them only work on laptops, desktops and specific browsers. There are a number of apps for Android and iOS that can act as Ether wallets too, but each have their limitations.

The two mobile devices we used when evaluating these tools are pretty different from each other: an Apple iPhone SE (iOS 11.3.1) and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (Android 4.4.4). This gives a good spread between modern and not so modern capabilities.


MyEtherWallet can work, but only on Android devices. Also, it only works with the least secure options of using a keystore file or a private key because the other options require a desktop. If you want to go with it, we’ve already produced a post explaining the steps so check it out.

Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet

A pretty popular app, it’s the frontend to the Coinbase exchange. We don’t support exchange wallets for ZetoToken, so that’s a no-no.

Blockchain Wallet

Similar to Coinbase, this is a frontend to the Blockchain exchange. Since it’s an exchange wallet too, we’re not going to look at it either.


Coinomi is a client-side wallet application. It offers support for a number of cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum.

You can either create a new wallet or import an existing wallet
When creating, an 18 word seed phrase is generated for you
A password should be supplied as well.
Select the Ethereum coin and any others you might use
You can see the balance of your Ether
Selecting the Ethereum coin brings you to a page with several tabs
Choose Send to send Ether to an address
Opening the menu on the main page gives you the option to add a Token to the Ethereum coin
Can choose from pre-configured tokens or Add Token Manually
Can manually enter the token address with the name, symbol and decimals value.

At this point, we can’t show how the ZetoToken would appear on the list because, on iPhone, the app crashes hard. On the tablet, it simply fails with an Invalid Contract error. We can assure you the contract is valid because it works elsewhere!

Coinomi looks like an OK option. If the token addition bug was fixed, it might actually be a good option. But we can’t recommend it.


Jaxx is another client-side wallet with the emphasis on making interactions as quick as possible.

On first start, can either create a new wallet or import an existing wallet
When creating, can pick the quickest route or manually go step-by-step
Can manually import a wallet seed phrase or use a QR code version
Can choose the supported coins after wallet import/creation
Can see your wallet’s Ether total and a QR code of your wallet address
Sending Ether is simple, with the option to scan a QR code for the target address
Can specify advanced options if necessary
Some additional settings in the menu
Can modify set of coins from a pre-configured list
Can select automatic fiat currency conversion

The built-in support for QR codes for everything is laudable and it’s a very good interface, but it’s missing one key feature: support for Ethereum tokens. If you’re ok with using your browser to check your token balances, it’s a good application to use.

The other potential problem is lack of wide Android support — it was not possible to install Jaxx on our test tablet for some reason.

Enjin Wallet

Enjin Wallet is a relative newcomer in the wallet application space. But in comparison to the other tools listed here, it’s superior. It is client-side and places a strong emphasis on security. It works well on both our test devices without any bugs we could see. When reopening the application, it asks for either your fingerprint, if supported, or your password by default.

What’s more, they’ve done some of the work for us — their blog has a step-by-step walkthrough of how to configure your wallet, purchase Ether and get it into the wallet. They also have another blog post describing how to add a custom token to the application.

This is how you do it for ZetoToken. Before doing this, get whitelisted. Once you’re whitelisted, get the presale address and gas limit from the ZetoChain website and follow these steps:

Here’s the wallet I prepared earlier
You can view your most recent transactions. Tap Send
Fill out the form (in advanced mode) with the presale address and gas limit from the website
You will be asked for confirmation
Once confirmed, the transaction is now pending

(By the way, this transaction failed because the address wasn’t whitelisted. You are whitelisted, right?)

Once you’ve sent your Ether correctly, this is how you add the token:

Tap the Add Coin button
Select the Add Custom Token option
Enter the token address of 0xec9eb73cdbe82b5d60144e6034741a167922acea and the ZETO symbol
Now tap on Update Coin List
You will need to give your wallet address
You can now see the ZetoToken on the list

That’s it! Hopefully, this series of posts has helped you invest in our vision with ZetoChain.

Originally published at on May 4, 2018.

