How To Buy ZetoTokens with MetaMask

Shane Breatnach
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2018

For people who are new to the Ethereum network, investing in an ICO can be scary. The tools make big assumptions about your technical knowledge and strange errors abound. What we want to do with this post is go step-by-step for anybody who wants to invest in ZetoChain but doesn’t know how.


The tool we will use is MetaMask. This is a program linked to your browser that offers a clean, basic interface for your Ethereum wallet. You can send Ether and check token balances also. If you’re completely new to Ethereum, this is the best tool to use because it is the simplest.

Creating Your Account

Before you can even purchase Ether, you need to create your MetaMask wallet. Install MetaMask using the instructions on their website. Alternatively, install the Chrome or Firefox extension directly (it’s not available for Safari, Internet Explorer or Edge).

Once installed, click the MetaMask fox icon to configure it:

Enter a strong password
Once you’ve copied the seed phrase, click “I’ve copied it somewhere safe”
This is the main interface
You can copy the wallet address from the menu

Buying Ether

Now, you’ll need some ether. Exchanges are the most common method to get Ether into your wallet: Changelly, Gemini and Kraken are some popular sites. We recommend Coinbase — it’s simple and supports buying Ether with either credit/debit cards or SEPA bank transfers. It’s an involved process registering and purchasing Ether with an exchange so take your time. Once you are done, you can transfer the Ether you purchase to the wallet address MetaMask gives you.

Important: you must transfer purchased ether to the MetaMask wallet address. We do not support exchange wallets

At this point, you have some Ether waiting to be spent. Now you need to get whitelisted for ZetoTokens.


We use a Know-Your-Customer process to validate everybody purchasing ZetoToken. This is just a formality but it can take up to 24 hours to process. We already have a post explaining how to do this so check it out.

Buying ZetoTokens

Once you’re received the whitelist confirmation email, it’s time to get those tokens. You will need the contract address from the ZetoChain website. Open MetaMask and follow these steps:

Click the Send button
Enter the contract address from the ZetoChain website, select the total amount of Ether to send and click Next
Enter a gas limit of 140000 and click Submit
Transaction is in progress. Be patient, this can take a while.
Success! The transaction is complete.

You’ve sent your Ether successfully! But where are your tokens? You need to view the balance at the token address of 0xec9eb73cdbe82b5d60144e6034741a167922acea.

MetaMask supports this too:

Open the Tokens tab and click Add Token
Enter the token address (MetaMask autofills the other fields) and click Add
You can now see your token count

That’s it! A couple of simple recommendations:

  • Always copy and paste addresses, never try to type them by hand
  • Write down the seed phrase MetaMask gives you on a piece of paper and keep it safe. This is the safest option that costs no money. Don’t lose it though!
  • Send a small amount of Ether first to check you’ve done the right thing

All going well, you are now the proud owner of some ZetoTokens. Do you want to buy some more now? 😉

Next time round, we’ll explain the purchasing process with MyEtherWallet, another popular tool for the Ethereum network. If you’re on mobile only, a future post will cover how to do it from your phone.

Originally published at on May 2, 2018.

