How to buy ZetoTokens with MyEtherWallet

Shane Breatnach
Published in
5 min readMay 3, 2018

If you want to buy ZetoTokens, we’ve already covered what’s needed if you are using MetaMask in a previous post. But what if you don’t want to use MetaMask or don’t have the ability to use Chrome or Firefox on the desktop? MyEtherWallet (MEW) is the best answer to that. It’s a pure web-based method for an Ether wallet, with the ability to send Ether also. It’s even supported on Android devices (iOS doesn’t work though).

Create Your Wallet

Go to the website. If it’s your first time visiting, you will get a pop-up explaining, in extreme detail, what MEW is and isn’t. There’s a lot to read and it’s very informative but it also gets very technical and assumes knowledge of common blockchain slang. Try and read all the way through.

Once you’ve finished reading the pop-up essay, enter a strong but memorable password in the main form. There is no method to recover your password so make sure you don’t lose/forget it!

You will now be offered an option to save a file.

Save it somewhere that can be easily found again and give it a useful name (e.g. my_mew_keys.json)

Continuing on shows your private key. If you have the option, print it out. If not, write it carefully down on a piece of paper or save it securely on your computer (if you’re not sure how to save securely, just use the paper!).

The next page gives us a number of options to view the wallet address you just created. MEW has already given us the data for two methods:

  • Keystore / JSON file
  • Private Key

We’re going to pick the Keystore option:

Whoa! Big warning here. This is the first point where scammers will attack, so be sure to follow the advice here — check that MyEtherWallet Inc (US) is displayed in green in the address bar above the page. Like so:

If not, stop right here! It’s a scam site and must be avoided at all costs. This isn’t fear-mongering; just last week, hackers managed to intercept traffic to MEW and stole a lot of Ether. So if it doesn’t look like above, don’t do anything else.

Assuming all is well, click the Select Wallet File button and select the file that you downloaded earlier.

It now asks for the password you originally entered so give that:

If the password is correct, you get a notification and more information lower down in the page:

You now have a wallet address. The next steps are to get some Ether into your new wallet and whitelist it on the ZetoChain website. The previous post covered this, so check that out.

Sending Ether

Assuming that you’ve whitelisted and purchased the Ether, you should be able send this Ether to the contract address. Click the Send Ether & Tokens tab at the top of the page. Follow the same process that you did when creating the wallet in the first place. You’re now presented with the form to enter the contract address, the amount of Ether and the gas limit.

Fill out the form. The contract address is available on the ZetoChain website (don’t use an address from any other site!).

Clicking the Generate Transaction button shows a bunch of raw data that will be used in the transaction. Press Send Transaction to continue.

You are presented then with a confirmation screen detailing the transaction. If you’re happy with it, click the “Yes, I am sure!” button.

If you have sent it right, you’ll get a green notification telling you more technical information about the transaction. Click Verify Transaction to view your transaction on Etherscan.

Viewing the transaction on Etherscan might not work immediately because Etherscan can be a little slow to update depending on traffic. At this point, you will need to be patient because it might take a while before the transaction is processed. With any luck, the transaction will eventually update and look something like this:

So you now have ZetoTokens. How do you check your ZetoToken balance? Keep on reading.

Viewing Tokens

As before, click the Send Ether & Tokens tab and follow the process to import your MEW keys. You end up back at the Send Transaction page. Do you see the button on the bottom right saying Add Custom Token? Click that to get this form:

Put in the token address of 0xec9eb73cdbe82b5d60144e6034741a167922acea with the symbol of ZETO and a decimal total of 18. Saving this should show you the token balance.

Whew, long process, right? It’s not as easy as MetaMask for sure, but it works almost everywhere. Up next, how do you do this on your phone?

Originally published at on May 3, 2018.

