Introduction to ZeusNet

Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2018

"Eliminate all idle computing resources"

With the rapid development of technology, we have entered the era of the algorithm. Various algorithms classify, filter and decide the information displayed in front of our screen. Algorithms are affecting all aspects of the world in a variety of ways, including corporate innovation, industrial change, and economic development. Undoubtedly, the algorithm will be the new engine for the new economy. If the algorithm is the thought, then the computing power is the strength. Algorithms require a lot of computational power to obtain the corresponding conclusion. If an algorithm does not the corresponding powerful computing power support, no matter how good the idea is, it cannot get the desired conclusion. The algorithm can only stay on paper.

ZeusNet is committed to creating a decentralized global trading platform for computing power, and building an open ecosystem based upon the computing resource network. ZeusNet is designed to free up all available computing resources and transform into digital asset values. The aim is to let decentralized applications to empower the real life.

So, what is ZeusNet? What does ZeusNet do?

ZeusNet is a highly efficient blockchain service platform with 10 concurrent internal chains to block technology, efficient smart contract and multiple hot-plugging consensus algorithms.

ZeusNet is a computing resource trading platform.

ZeusNet is a fee-free, strict privacy protection, open, and transparent decentralized computing network based on the blockchain technology.

The computing power trading platform enables us to effectively connect computing resources all over the world, such as cloud computing, IDC, enterprise data centers, and personal CPU/GPU/ bandwidth etc. to provide ultra-low prices, large scale, super powerful computing services, for the purpose of digital currency mining , 3D rendering, live transcoding, AI Learning, IoT security and other industries.

Currently, ZeusNet has completed 90% of the coding of blockchain based services (including 10 concurrent chain to block, consensus algorithms, Token mechanism, smart contracts, digital wallet, etc.), and began a comprehensive test and optimization. In the meantime, we are constructing a container-based resource scheduling prototype.

For more information about ZeusNet, we invite you to visit our official website:



Editor for

ZeusNet is committed to creating a decentralized global trading platform for computing power, and building an open ecosystem based upon the computing resource.