HousePlant CTF :Catography Writeup
3 min readApr 27, 2020


Challenge Description: Jubie’s released her own collection of cat pictures. Go check it out!

-By Team <<Zh3r0>>

So Visiting the Given link it led us to a Website with a lot of cute cat pictures.Since The challenge description did not give any clue of what we had to find , i was confused. I started with checking the profiles of the authors of the images but then after a few minutes I realized that it was useless.Then I tried reverse image search, but it was useless too :( .

Then I started looking at the metadata of the images to see if i can find anything useful , then TADA!!!!! There was something similar about the images , when I checked the meta data of the first few images using the Exiftool, I found out that their GPS coordinates only differed by a few degrees ! . Suddenly it came to me that I should mark these coordinates on the map to get the flag because earlier when I searched on the google “Catography” ( I had no idea what the challenge was then ) it showed results for “Cartography” which is the practice/study of making maps ( so this relates ).

I downloaded all the 411 cat pictures (O.o) by right clicking the webpage > View Page Info > Media > Select All > Save

I saved all of this in a folder named Cats. Now we have to extract the GPS position of all these images and save the output in a text file, I used Exiftool for this.

this command will output all the GPS Positions from the metadata to the gpsinfo.txt file , now I opened it up in text editor and edited it like this so that I can upload it in Google My Maps

You can easily do this in Mousepad using the ctrl+r shortcut. Now change the file format to .csv then upload it to Google My Maps. There you go , zoom a little bit and you will see the flag.

Flag : rtcp{4round_7h3_w0r1d}


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Ex-Gamer now a Cyber Security enthusiast ❤