4 Products That Mark the Merging of Blockchain and Finances

4 min readMay 3, 2018


The emergence of the blockchain technology has brought about a lot of changes in so many industries that the mind boggles. Blockchain is an endless horizon of possibilities; all you need to do is just go for it, which is exactly what Zichain — a Switzerland-based digital asset management company — has done: they sensed the possibility to storm into the crypto finances market to finally bring stability and coherency to it. To that end they developed 4 products that will simplify the investment and asset management processes: BAMP (blockchain asset management platform), TheIndex.Fund, CryptoEYE.com and Zichange.io. These products is a combination of the best traditional practices that are used in the well-established financial world and cutting-edge technologies, which will ease the integration into the world of digital asset management.

Easy and Transparent

To maximize their potential investors and asset managers are encouraged to use all 4 products that form Zichain’s ecosystem together. Firstly, there’s CryptoEYE.com — a perfect way to dive into the new and exciting world of cryptocurrencies. CryptoEYE is a multilingual platform that is divided into two main parts — CryptoWiki and Crypto news. The first section provides a comprehensive outlook on all the main cryptocurrencies, projects, events, etc. that will be of great interest for not only the potential investors but also for the people who are genuinely interested in the crypto world and its latest developments. The news section allows you to tailor the newsfeed according to your preferences and interests and is available in many different languages.

Having learned more about the crypto world, it’s time to start tracking the performance of certain cryptocurrencies or projects. The.Index.Fund comes handy for that. Zichain’s team is using the most effective practices from the classical world of finance: S&P, MSCI, FTSE, Euro Stoxx and Nikkei which helped them to create a family of indices that logically divide the crypto-ecosystem into key parts, and at the same time help to understand this system as a whole. The first index is called Blue Coins, the second is Second Tier. They include cryptocurrencies according to their capitalization: Blue Coins is 5 top cryptocurrencies and Second Tier is the next 20. Other indices are: currencies, services and platforms. Be prepared — know your industry!

And only then there comes the time to plunge into the world of digital assets and crypto investing. And it doesn’t get easier than with BAMP. BAMP is perfect for both investors and asset managers who are looking to implement their investment strategies to realize their potential. And if you need to exchange some fiat money — Zichain has Zichange.io for you: get cryptocurrencies without any fuss, with all transactions being absolutely transparent and secure.

First time in the industry

Zichain has achieved something that has never been done in the industry’s history: it has concentrated all the tools and data that an investor or an asset manager would need to successfully complete their task on one platform that will make it much easier and more understandable. Each of the Zichain’s products possesses a range of unique features that will transform the way we look at digital assets and crypto investing. And they are worth mentioning in detail:


Basic Functionality:

  • Crypto-wiki is a structured and understandable description of the popular cryptocurrencies and terms of the blockchain industry.
  • Current news, on the basis of which the user can make strategic investment decisions. The list of news and sources can be filtered and customized by the user depending on the needs.
  • A platform for companies involved in asset management, describing their investment strategies and reviewing their competitiveness. The platform also allows you to purchase investment products in one click.
  • A convenient investment calculator that allows user to analyze and compare investment results using Zinchain indexes or cryptocurrencies.


Main Advantages:

  • Clear entry points into the cryptocurrency market — one token is a whole portfolio;
  • A variety of customizable index funds — from simple strategies with a large capitalization to specific ones;
  • Low costs — cost-effective operations, order execution and rebalancing;
  • Safekeeping of assets — all at the highest level!

BAMP (Blockchain Asset Management Platform)

Basic Functionality:

  • Creation of investment strategies
  • CryptoEYE marketing tools
  • Trading center
  • Exchange accounts
  • Monitoring of investment policy
  • Detailed reports


  • Offers an easy way to acquire digital currencies
  • Target audience is corporate clients, miners, individual and institutional investors
  • Legal and transparent solutions for the conversion of funds to crypto-assets

All 4 products are in the different stages of completion. Zichain’s team is making sure that they will be flawless, precise and accurate, which is of great importance is the world of finances, and especially digital finances. This means that there’s still time for you to learn more about Zichain and everything else it offers. A word of advice? Don’t waste any more time — this window of opportunity is slowly closing.

