Manage your mobile Devices!

Leo Flemig
Ziegert Group Tech
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2021

Say goodbye to the old inefficiencies of mobile configuration with cutting edge MDM solutions!

Source code, accounting information, customer data — employees work with sensitive data all the time and this data needs to be protected.

Without a management solution this can be a tedious task, since all mandatory settings, like enabling hard drive encryption or password policies, have to be applied separately on each device.

This could be done by an IT technician, but as soon as there are more than a handful of users, this process gets impractical really fast and would require a lot of man power, since the technicians also have to check frequently if all updates are installed and all settings applied.

Furthermore, without a management solution another problem can’t be addressed:

Security settings can be pretty restrictive - we all know the pain if we want to install some software and the computer prompts for the administrators’ password. After that, we have to call the Service Desk or write a ticket — A simple task is developing in to a time-consuming process.

A management solution can help to keep the balance between security and usability, by empowering the user to install software from trusted developers or using an in-house App Store.

But how does a Mobile Device Management Solution work?

An MDM Solution consists of two parts. The central management server and an Application which runs on each managed device. This duo do the same job as the IT Technician had to do in the earlier example. Additionally, all tasks can be performed remotely without physical access to the device.

On the MDM-Server itself, it is possible to create configuration files and sets of different settings (e.g. a password policy, activate the hard drive encryption).
Software which is used frequently (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Google Chrome) can also be stored on the MDM-Server, from where it can be installed on computers automatically.

After the Server is set up, it will connect to the Application, running on the managed computers, and apply these settings and configurations. If an App is ready for installation, it will also install the app.

By constantly checking if all settings and configurations are applied, the MDM-Server guarantees that the device is configured correctly.

Zero Touch Deployment

The demand for mobile devices increases constantly — not only did the coronavirus force employees to work from home, but the world of work is also in a constant change. Here another key feature of MDM solutions comes in handy — the Zero-Touch-Deployment.

If an employee asks for a new device, the traditional approach would be to order a new device, take an inventory of it, configure it and send it to the end user.

With an MDM solution, it is possible to order and ship the device directly to the end user.
If the device gets powered on for the first time, it will reach out to the management Server and check if configurations or policies are available.

After that, the device will download and apply these settings automatically.

The device is now ready to use!

After all, every employee profits from an MDM solution. IT departments can focus on new projects due to a reduced workload, Users profit from faster troubleshooting and replacement time and the Management is pleased by more efficient processes and reduced costs!

Do you want a party like that too? Then Mobile Device Management Solutions might just be the ticket for you…

