New Jersey Breastfeeding Custody Laws: What You Need to Know

John Palmer
Published in
5 min readJan 10, 2024

There have been many instances throughout the country of judges sparking outrage and confusion when making a custody ruling when a mother is breastfeeding her child. For example, in 2013, a judge in Pennsylvania asked a mother to stop breastfeeding her baby so that the father could have overnight visitation. If she did not comply, the mother could potentially lose custody of her child. Although breastfeeding is not part of New Jersey law when considering custody, there is the calling of the jury to hold the child’s best interests as standard when making decisions. If you are in the middle of a divorce and are breastfeeding, here is what you need to know how it may impact custody.

How Does Breastfeeding Affect Custody Laws in New Jersey?

While the New Jersey legal system prioritizes the best interests of the child in custody decisions, it currently lacks explicit provisions regarding breastfeeding as a determining factor. Despite the absence of specific guidelines, recent cases across various states have underscored the need for comprehensive legislation that accounts for the critical role of breastfeeding in infant development and well-being.

In other words, to this day, the fact that a mother is breastfeeding an infant does not specifically influence custody rulings. However, there is a “best interest” clause in custody laws that does have an impact.

What Does “Best Interests” of the Child Mean?

The overarching principle of upholding the “best interests” of the child necessitates a nuanced evaluation of the child’s physical and emotional welfare. Incorporating the benefits of breastfeeding within this framework demands a delicate balance between ensuring the child’s overall health and fostering a strong parent-child bond, both of which are integral to the child’s holistic growth and development.

This means that, in a custody hearing, the judge and/or jury will take into the consideration the child’s age, the visitation schedule, and also the well-being of that child, before making a decision. That said, they also consider the importance of a bond forming between both parents. Recognizing the pivotal role of bonding in a child’s development, courts aim to facilitate meaningful and quality time with each parent to promote a secure and supportive upbringing.

Breastfeeding Schedule With Split Custody

The practice of “on-demand nursing,” although beneficial for the child’s well-being, can pose challenges in shared custody arrangements, necessitating collaborative solutions for seamless co-parenting. If the judge or jury does rule for specific time requirements spent with both parents, it may seem like a major blow. However, there are workarounds for breastfeeding and split custody.

Some practical strategies include the establishment of a well-structured pumping schedule. By creating a substantial supply of breastmilk, the mother can ensure that the child receives the necessary nourishment even during the father’s visitation periods. Seeking guidance from lactation consultants or pediatricians can offer valuable insights and support in navigating breastfeeding challenges within the context of shared custody.

You should also consider communicating your needs with your child’s other parent. Communication allows for the seamless coordination of feeding schedules and the introduction of complementary foods at appropriate intervals. Furthermore, collaboration during well-child checkups can offer reassurance and valuable feedback on the child’s health and development. By jointly participating in these critical assessments, both parents can actively contribute to the child’s holistic care and growth, fostering a shared responsibility for the child’s welfare and development.

How Can a NJ Divorce Lawyer or Mediator Help With Custody When Breastfeeding?

A divorce lawyer or mediator can play a crucial role in facilitating a smooth transition for families, especially when breastfeeding is a consideration in custody arrangements. Here’s how they can assist:

  • Legal Understanding: A knowledgeable divorce lawyer well-versed in family law can provide essential legal guidance, ensuring that the custody arrangements comply with the state’s regulations while considering the best interests of the child, including their breastfeeding needs.
  • Mediation for Constructive Solutions: Mediators can help divorcing couples reach mutually acceptable agreements that prioritize the child’s well-being, including accommodating breastfeeding schedules. Mediators facilitate open communication, encouraging parents to work collaboratively in developing a custody plan that considers the child’s feeding requirements.
  • Customized Parenting Plans: Divorce lawyers and mediators can aid in formulating detailed parenting plans that incorporate specific provisions for breastfeeding. These plans may outline visitation schedules, feeding arrangements, and mechanisms for the sharing of parenting responsibilities while ensuring the child’s access to breastfeeding remains unobstructed.
  • Legal Advocacy in Court: In cases where disputes arise, a divorce lawyer can offer legal representation, advocating for the parent’s rights to uphold breastfeeding arrangements in the custody proceedings. They can present compelling arguments based on the child’s best interests and the scientific significance of breastfeeding for the child’s development and well-being.

Contact the NJ Divorce Lawyers of Ziegler Law Group, LLC Today

While New Jersey custody laws currently lack explicit provisions for breastfeeding, prioritizing the “best interests” of the child remains paramount in custody decisions. Striking a balance between the child’s health and fostering a strong parent-child bond is essential. Despite challenges posed by shared custody, structured pumping schedules and open communication can facilitate seamless co-parenting.

If you are looking for aid with child custody, Ziegler Law Group, LLC is here to help. Experienced divorce lawyers and mediators like those at Ziegler Law Group, LLC can offer crucial legal guidance, foster constructive solutions, and advocate for breastfeeding arrangements, ensuring the child’s welfare is upheld. Reach out to the seasoned New Jersey divorce lawyers of Ziegler Law Group, LLC today by calling 973–533–1100 or by filling out the contact form.

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