Mobility’s latest News #5

Here’s the latest weekly news about the sharing mobility industry — July 30th to August 6th.

Alexandra Staub
3 min readAug 6, 2018


Mobility-as-a-Service — How to make it happen

A Lisbon Study showed that if we were to replace all the cars with shared mobility vehicles, the numbers of total vehicles would fall, however it would lead to an increase in vehicle kilometres. Other reports suggest that ride-hailing services have actually increased the overall number of vehicle kilometers driven. Here is an article on how to make MaaS concepts happen for fleet operators, cities and passengers!

Congestion in US Cities not to blame on ride-hailing companies like Uber

Even though a lot of studies show, that ride hailing does actually increase the number of kilometres driven, this article suggests that the ride-hailing companies such as Lyft or Uber are not to blame. Read more about Robin Chases’s (Co-Founder and former CEO of Zipcar) opinion on the topic!

Congested Roads in New York City Mary, Picture by Altaffer/AP

Upcoming ride-sharing policies in Germany will harm the local taxi industry

Already this year, the passenger transport law in Germany will be renewed and this at the expense of the local taxi drivers. The already established ride-sharing companies Moia and Allygator would with the new policies receive greenlight for expanding in other cities and maybe even other big players could enter the market such as Uber or Lyft.

More about the new ride-sharing policies in Germany and how it could harm the local taxi industry in the article linked in the title above.

Car of the ride sharing company Moia in Germany, Picture by Moia

How in the Netherlands “Intelligent Mobility” is implemented

According to Peter Biczok smart mobility doesn’t simply mean to reduce congestion or Co2 emissions. Intelligent mobility must also prioritise interaction for people’s mental health and facilitate some activitiy for physical health since we are spending a lot of time commuting. While a lot of times, these aspects are not covered when talking about autonomous vehicles or other new concepts of mobility there is a country that does.

Read more about intelligent mobility in the article linked to the title.

Train in the Netherlands

On our opinion, carpooling would therefore also be a solution that encounters the mental health of people. Whenever people carpool encounters with strangers or colleagues take place and new relationships can be established! What do you think about carpooling? Let us know!

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Alexandra Staub
Writer for

Trainee at the Swiss Railway Company🚊🏔 currently working abroad in Paris for a carpool start up called Zify🚗🌆!