The Playlist that YOU need for your next carpool !

Brendan Shepard
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2018

Driving a car and playing music — I can barely dissociate the two anymore. I love playing music while on the road and I even seem to perceive the sounds differently, paying closer attention to the lyrics and acoustics. I find that when the conditions are right, combining driving and listening to music can together be a perfect expression of freedom, especially when the music captures the state of mind I’m in.

Whether you love driving or find it a repetitive and tedious part of your day, music embellishes the experience to such an extent that you feel transported in your thoughts, able to go beyond the all too common traffic jams and rampant surrounding chaos. As most of your senses are caught up with the actual act of driving, all you are left with is your ears and your favourite symphonies, and you are suddenly able to either beat the boredom or make an already pleasurable experience into something even more enjoyable. After all, like Plato once said, music is a moral law, it gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and everything. And all things considered, what is music if it can’t be shared?

It is in this respect, and in an effort to give our users ideas for their next carpools, that we decided to enlist some of the songs we hold so dearly and compile them in [Zify’s Official Carpooling Playlist] on Spotify on a weekly basis. The following songs meet a wide range of musical genres, from classical, rock, blues, hip-hop or electronic music, no matter your tastes, you should be able to find something you like. And whether you are carpooling with total strangers or with your closest friends, giving this playlist a try might help you find common ground and make new friends !

We really hope you find pleasure in discovering these songs or listening to them again. Don’t hesitate to let us know which songs you prefer and which ones you would like to see in next week’s selection.

Track list :

- Tracy Chapman — Fast Car

- Moby — Everloving

- Melanie De Biasio — The Flow

- Vanessa Da Mata — Boa Sorte / Good Luck

- Nino Ferrer — Looking for You

- Max Richter — Vivaldi Recomposed

- Bonobo — Black Sands

- Pink Floyd — High Hopes

- Dire Straits — Sultan of Swings

- Fleetwood Mac — Dreams

- Sting -Shape of My Heart

- Dave Brubeck — Take Five

- Mozart — Concerto No 23 in A Major K 488

- Andy Leech — Thinking of You

- Madeleine Peyroux — La Javanaise

- Labi Siffre — My Blue Lady

- The Doors — Riders on the Storm

- Neil Young — Old Man

- Albert Cummings — Lonely Bed

- Mogwai — Coolverine

- Kim Brown — Millions

- Four Tet — Myrtle Avenue

- SG Lewis — Shivers (HONNE Remix)

- Four Tet — She Just Likes to Fight



Brendan Shepard
Writer for

I have always been passionate about the environment and social innovative solutions that work hand in hand with today’s hyperconnected world !