$400K+ in a single trade by exceptional service at Zignaly

Published in
6 min readAug 30, 2023

This article discusses one of the most successful trader’s service “No FUD No FOMO” on Zignaly for over two years. We discuss the performance, the largest wins, the secret recipe behind success, and general tricks for investors.

$400,000 win in just one week, in a single trade!

The service “No FUD no FOMO” is one of our most prominent services on the Zignaly platform with reference to AUMs. Recently, the service closed a trade with more than $400K in profits, uplifting the AUMs from $600K to over $1 Million in a go!

This service has been with Zignaly for over 2 years. If we run through its historical data and performance, we see that the service managed only $90,000 in AUMs at some point. Steady growth always gets results!

Most of the balance in this service comes from a few investors who have remained connected to this service since its launch at Zignaly. They did suffer in the drawdowns, but eventually got rewarded and celebrated. Interestingly, most of the investors kept withdrawing their profits and now remain linked to this service at 0 risk! This happened because their profit withdrawals had already exceeded their initial investment.

Curious to know more?

This is where the trader got his winning trade from:

However, as exciting as this can seem, the trader wants to clarify that this is something other than what one expects regularly. It resulted from years of hard work, commitment, dedication, and trust from his investors.

Quote from the trader:

My service brings income in the long-term perspective, and the fact that I am essentially a positional trader and at a certain point in time, I do not care about short-term movements. However, according to the plan, I can switch abruptly to trading at stop losses, and rigidly — I will wait out the turbulence in the market. That’s why my service is not suitable for most. Many people want everything right there and at once. But the service is ideal for venture investors who understand their risks, and that good results with constant and hard work come only after 3–5 years.

This happens to all of us. We read now and then about this or that guy who became rich overnight, making a fortune on a meme coin or ICO. But how many times have you got into a service (or coin) because it just pumped, and it looks like it will be your ticket to FIRE, and then find your investment dumping 90%? A lot of investors lose their money this way due to FOMO.

We need to be realistic. Check services with a long track record, understand your risk appetite, and think deeply if you can stand a 90% drawdown if that’s what the trader service’s chart you want to follow shows. If you are sold, then stick to the plan.

From Warren Buffet:

“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient”.

The same applies to crypto; if you trust a trader, stick to him and his strategies only if something convinces you otherwise (not based on short-term results, for sure). Choose a trader who communicates well and cares about his investors and their money.

We had an AMA with the trader behind the service:

On our special request, Denis, the trader behind the service, answered some questions that we think our users might be interested in. Here they go:

1. Why did you open a position with BLZUSDT in long at the right time?

To be honest with you, as a fact, I opened the trade at a not-so-good time. The implementation of this plan took several months, but I was confident about it. In general, in trading, the right time is a vague concept. Especially in my case because my approach to trading is creative and mostly positional.

My eyes fell on BLZ because it fits well with the parameters I use when choosing projects for investing purposes.

2. Was BLZUSDT your biggest win?

This trade BLZ/USDT was one of my biggest wins in $-value terms. However, if you look at the % gained, we hardly took 45–50% of the price movement. In the past, we have had even bigger %-gains.

3. What made you exit at that point?

I took an exit from the position completely within a few hours because the main move was on Sunday (end of the week). And I prefer siding with a conservative approach. Besides, we had a relatively large volume of positions for our service. Moreover, my past experience tells me that this was the right decision. After all, the last time we saw such a setup was quite recently when there was a false pump on the FLM coin — then liquidity collection (bear trap) — and then the final pump (we also took it on our service). I feared exactly the false scenario for the BLZ coin on Monday. So, it is better to enjoy the gains than to lose them all.

4. How often do you achieve winnings like this?

Big wins are part of the game. While it does not happen often, it does happen. We recently took pamps by coins: SFP, Arpa, Bel, Kava, LQTY, and BLZ. And note that almost all of these coins had huge activity and grew strongly when the overall market background was neutral/negative, or there was a general market correction.

5. What do you suggest: Should one invest frequently, once per month, or it’s better to invest once and forget?

Before investing in my service, you should know who your true few friends will be. Your first friend should be “Sober Approach”. Put no more than 20–30% of your investment, which you can afford, into my service. The second should be “patience”. Let’s say that you are a person who gets seized with panic due to an account drawdown of 15–20%, this service is not for you. The service is for those who can have patience and wait for the bigger picture to play. Third — “Tune into for a long journey”. Considerably good results are achieved in a longer time frame, maybe 3–5 years, especially with the help of compounding. That said, you can either invest in a single go or keep investing in parts, especially when the service enters a correction phase. In my service, this could be a powerful tool.

6. What tool do you use for trading?

I use the usual free tools for project analysis. Before investing in a project, I see the team’s activity and the project’s value. If I don’t understand the project, I won’t invest there.

It is also very important to understand who the sponsors of the project are and those who funded it in the early stage. Perhaps there are already unscrupulous players among them — large funds with a bad reputation or other dark players who were previously noticed for dishonest play or dumping of assets, an insider. I also evaluate the essence of the project roadmap. If there is no roadmap, and developers promise you a roadmap soon, then be careful. Pay attention to the total issue of coins, capitalization, unlocking, the current APR, etc.

Next, you must understand whether your reasoning converges with the asset chart on different timeframes. Next, ask yourself the last question: What is the probability that other market players see my conclusion and think the same way? Of course, these are the general parameters of my work, but even this may be very useful to you in the future (This is not a piece of financial advice).

No_FUD_No_FOMO service

No_FUD_No_FOMO is a private service that, given its modus operandi, prefers to keep itself unlisted. However, suppose you have made it this far and still hold a high interest in investing with this service after understanding how this particular service operates. In that case, the trader is happy to have you onboard.

You can visit his profile and join his trading strategies through this link: No_FUD_No_FOMO

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article should be taken as financial advice. This is a personal opinion based on historical numbers and may not guarantee future performance. Investing in financial markets holds an inherent risk of losses, where services have had 100% dropdowns and even liquidations. Always consult your independent financial advisor before making any financial decisions.




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