LLTS 116 — Web 2 vs. Web 3

Let's Learn Together Series by Zignaly
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2023

The introduction, interaction, and utilization of Web 2 and Web 3 made it possible for us to see the world from a slightly tilted, technological lens. This article contrasts the components and function of both, respectively, while also examining which one is superior.


Computers in Web 2.0 use HTTP in the form of unique web addresses to locate information that is kept in one place, typically on a single server. Information could be stored in multiple locations simultaneously and be decentralized in Web 3.0 because it would be found based on its content. To explain it further, by providing a user-friendly interface through which existing information can be edited and published, Web 2.0 sites enable user participation and interaction whereas sites , where computers will independently generate raw data, are referred to as Web 3.0.

Examples of Web 2:

· Facebook

· Instagram

· Twitter

· TikTok

Examples of Web 3:

· Sapien

· Storj

· Dtube

· Ethlance

What is the difference between the two?

1. Web 2.0 leans more towards the advent of social media, blogging or influencing and communication; a change from static web pages to more interactive content. On the other hand, Web 3.0 focuses on creating content (Semantic Web).

2. Podcasts, social bookmarking, blogs, RSS feeds, and video sites are all part of Web2 and virtual worlds, 3D portals, and applications powered by AI and machine learning are all part of Web3.

3. Payments on Web 2.0 are made via government-issued currencies while Web 3.0 accepts payments in cryptocurrencies.

4. While Web 2.0 uses a centralized approach, the same as Web 1.0, Web 3.0 is built on peer-to-peer and consensus algorithm.

5. Web 2.0 makes access to free information easier but Web 3.0 makes this quicker with the development of AI.

6. In web 2.0, the data become the property of the network. Web 3.0, on the other hand, implies that an entity owns data and has flexibility for sharing data across the network.

Which one is better?

The comparison between these two is an ongoing debate. However, there are certain facts which make Web 3.0 better than Web 2.0 in today’s world. Firstly, Web 3.0 provides a far more personalized browsing experience- websites can automatically customize themselves to best fit our device, and any accessibility requirements we may have and web apps become far more attuned to our usage habits. Secondly, Web 3.0 employs advanced authorization mechanisms through distributed ledger technologies and encryption for securing user identity and data making it securer than Web 2.0. Web 3.0 is also far more decentralized as compared to Web 2.0 and provides a better return on one’s time and money. The future Web 3.0 promises looks bright and promising for a life full of tech.


Even though Web 2.0 and 3.0 both come from the same technological roots, there are significant differences between the functionality of the two owing to which Web 3.0 seems to hold the superiority in this comparison. Web 3.0 has the potential to revolutionize and to bring human race to new opportunities and advancements, which were never seen or witnessed before. Investments in Web 3.0 projects thus seem safer at the moment with excellent returns expected.

Disclaimer: The “Let’s Learn Together Series” by “Zignaly” is part of Zignaly’s commitment to giving back to the community. Through its directives, team Zignaly strives hard to help benefit society, helping them learn and remain on par. These articles are prepared/ shared for informational and educational purposes only and do not create any directive for trade.

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