LLTS 120 — Relationship Between Web 3.0 and Blockchain

Let's Learn Together Series by Zignaly
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2023

The link between Web3 and blockchain is discussed in this article, along with the relevance of this connection.

Given their growing importance to our society, it is critical to fully appreciate how blockchain and Web3 interact. Although the connection between Web3 and blockchain innovation resides in both technologies’ fundamental capabilities and attributes, their compatibility seems inevitable. These two linked subjects are commonly referenced together due to their decentralization potential. The link to the blockchain is enhanced because Web3 gives its users a more decentralized storage system with data held in several locations, the ability to access data at any time, and better control over their storage. Blockchain efforts are built on similar principles.

Discussion on the Relationship between the Two:

Network users can agree without needing a centralized authority using a blockchain. A centralized control is no longer necessary for applications, online services, or even money on the decentralized web, also known as Web3. Blockchain technology is typically seen as an essential Web3 enabler since it provides the infrastructure necessary for decentralized apps and services. Without depending on a single or central authority, blockchain is a safe and impenetrable ledger system that can store digital assets, including contracts, payments, documents, and other data. Businesses may create more secure apps by fusing Web3 with blockchain technologies. The foundation for a new digital economy in which assets are safely stored and transferred without the aid of intermediaries is provided by the connection between Web 3.0 and blockchain.

Blockchain in Web3- An Example:

One of the most famous examples of how the Web and blockchain are interdependent is Follow. This autonomous, decentralized structure aims to give people complete control over their social identities and data. This company offers innovative, fresh ideas for providing its customers with a decentralized social protocol for storing their data. It is an excellent illustration of the benefits of “decentralization” for us to comprehend.

In conclusion, decentralization, or moving away from a typically centralized storage system, is what connects blockchain and Web3. Their relationship, or their exceptional ability to complement one another, is intriguing and offers a glimpse into the future.

Benefits of Blockchain in Web3:

  1. Greater security
  2. Faster Transactions
  3. Cost Effective
  4. Improved Transparency
  5. Increased Efficiency

Together, these two technologies open the way for far more effective use of technology, facilitating faster, safer, and more straightforward access to data, as seen by the popularity of this discussion.


In general, Web3 and blockchain function together as a complement, with Web3 setting the foundation for blockchain technology and offering the framework and resources required to make Web3 a reality. In conclusion, Web 3.0 and blockchain will undoubtedly transform how companies interact with their customers and stakeholders around the globe. By utilizing these two significant technological advancements, businesses can take advantage of innovative applications that can help them better understand their customers’ needs and maintain their competitiveness in today’s computerized economy.

Disclaimer: The “Let’s Learn Together Series” by “Zignaly” is part of Zignaly’s commitment to giving back to the community. Through its directives, team Zignaly strives hard to help benefit society, helping them learn and remain on par. These articles are prepared/ shared for informational and educational purposes only and do not create any directive for trade.

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