LLTS72 — Is Blockchain an Enabler for Sustainable Future?

Let's Learn Together Series by Zignaly
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2022

What does Blockchain hold for the future? Will it be sustainable? Read this article to find out.

A vast quantity of acceptability is observed in the emerging new phenomena of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, despite the fact that the state of the global economy is deteriorating daily to a negligible level. But as blockchain gains popularity, the issue of whether it can help create a sustainable future arises. Fasten your seatbelts as we set off on a journey across the realms of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Let’s dig deep!

What Is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a shared ledger or repository that computer subnets may access. Similar to a database, a blockchain also saves information electronically in digital data. Blockchains are well recognized for their crucial function in cryptocurrency systems like Bitcoin, where they maintain a protected and decentralized database of transactions. The originality of the Blockchain is that it fosters confidence without the necessity for a reliable third party by guaranteeing the integrity and security of a data record. A regular database and a blockchain have drastically different data structures. A blockchain gathers data in units called blocks, each of which contains a collection of data. The blockchain data chain is created by closing and connecting the filled block when a block’s storage capacity is met.

How Is Blockchain Better than Conventional Financial Databases?

Blockchain eliminates a centralized command structure. It permits data sharing among several parties without needing a centralized system or administrator. The data is, therefore, safe and secure, and it is under the control of the administrator from a central place. The information may change according to any changes in the data. Data can be corrupted or destroyed by anybody with access to the main database, resulting in incidents of forgery and hacking. Because it depends on all decentralized nodes, blockchain technology faces scalability issues. Traditional databases can manage enormous quantities of transactions per second because authorizations are centralized, and the rights to modify data are concentrated in the hands of a small number of people. The client-server architecture reduces dependency on nodes by substituting distinct server clusters for nodes.

Blockchain has the potential to increase data trust and transparency, leading to improvements in quality, productivity, and creativity. Traditional databases lack the transparency that Blockchain offers. To protect information on Blockchain, cryptography is crucial. Privacy when it comes to information does not exist, and it’s known to everyone in the system. Traditional databases only allow members to view information. Since Blockchain is a publicly distributed ledger, it cannot be personalized. A standard database allows you a great deal of customization. Since they are centrally managed, traditional databases may be optimized for permissions, privileges, and setup needs. To make it more customer-focused, developers may update the front end and add plugins to the database.

The most important use of technology in the financial sector is the ability of Blockchain to build trust through smart contracts. The only difference between smart contracts and physical contracts is that smart contracts use the Blockchain to fulfill their conditions in real time. There are many uses for smart contracts, but the financial industry is one of them. If all conditions are satisfied, these contracts can be finished rapidly, boost security, and do away with the need for middlemen.


Blockchain’s low cost encourages financial inclusion by enabling entrepreneurs to compete with traditional banks. Many restrictions restrict consumers’ access to banking, such as minimum balance requirements, and Blockchain might become a viable alternative to conventional banking by combining mobile devices with digital identification. While the answer to the question “Is blockchain the future of finance?” is still up for debate, it is widely agreed that blockchain technology is already having a significant impact on the world’s economies and financial systems. As the world is just now accepting and integrating this decentralized technology into its different parts, it goes without saying that the immense potentials of Blockchain have yet to be unveiled and utilized, even though there is no clear-cut solution.

Disclaimer: The “Let’s Learn Together Series” by “Zignaly” is part of Zignaly’s commitment to giving back to the community. Through its directives, team Zignaly strives hard to help benefit society, helping them learn and remain on par. These articles are shared for informational and educational purposes only and do not create any directive for trade.

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