Zignaly Goes Decentralized & Announces ZigDAO.com

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9 min readJun 22, 2022

CEO Zignaly sheds light on the road ahead and our plans to hit $10bn in TVL!

Why it’s the right time to join the Social Investing Revolution.

At Zignaly, our core mission and greatest aspiration has ultimately always been to empower anyone and everyone, anywhere in the world, to have equal access to the same kinds of expert-managed, passive investing capabilities that were formerly only available to the top 1%. The multi-millionaires and billionaires, the hedge fund crowd, and the elite (or very early) crypto investing experts.

As aspiring crypto investors ourselves, when we started Zignaly we found it shocking that despite all of the empowerment enabled by crypto and DeFi, there were no expert-managed, fund-based or passive investing options available — other than for billionaires who could access & afford gated fund managers and pros to give them leverage, alpha, and expert handling — for a very high cost. There was simply nothing available for regular crypto investors and those interested in hands-off investing handled by people smarter than us, much like was readily available in the traditional finance world.

Leveling the playing field.

So we wanted to level the playing field, through a combination of (missing) technology and marketplace dynamics, so that everyone from regular consumers to savvy crypto investors to professional fund managers can all experience the advantages of collaborating together under a win/win, profit-sharing model where all sides are incentivized to earn together.

This is not just a new model, nor just a marketplace dynamic. It’s nothing less than a social investing revolution, and it’s at the core of our long-term vision and mission for why we created Zignaly.

Previously, capabilities such as managed investing handled by experts and fund managers, particularly in crypto, were simply not available to most people — and had steep minimum investment amounts to even participate. So such higher-leverage “investing advantages” as expert-managed passive investing, sophisticated multi-strategy and asset type investing, and other such advantaged investment vehicles were mostly reserved for the elite .1%. And we saw a way to change that, and to empower such capabilities for truly everyone, regardless of income level or expertise or location — through the combination of technology, a unique two-sided marketplace that connects investors with proven expert traders & fund managers, and a concept we’re proud to have pioneered called Social Investing.

Experts do the work. You get to chill (or sleep, or go out with friends and have fun.)

But it’s not just empowering people with an investment advantage, nor just about being able to invest through crypto fund managers to get better or more stable returns: it’s equally about the concept of Passive Income. We believe that not only should you be able to let the experts make the better investment decisions for a better shot at making you profits, but you should also be able to sit back, go hands-off, and get back to using your precious time on this earth for better things you could be spending your time on than trying to watch the latest crypto YouTube video influencer or scouring through blogs at night just to try to piece it all together to figure out when, where and what to invest in (and when to sell). And this is something that the billionaires of the world already understand: you achieve true leverage and exponential results by smartly using the greater expertise of others, while you make maximum, high-value use of your own time.

We asked ourselves the question: do you really want to be spending your precious time on this earth scouring random YouTube videos and arcane Reddit posts just to try to eke out an edge in your crypto investing? Which usually fails? Or would you rather take a portion of your investment capital and put it with a proven, vetted expert trader or fund whose specific track record (updated daily) is at your fingertips.

So we view passive investing as a revolution, both in the prospects of better and more stable returns but (perhaps more importantly) for the most precious asset that exists: your time. And peace of mind, knowing that your money is in better hands than if you were trying to do it all yourself.

Many analogies come to mind as to why this kind of investing is so obviously better: when you have a bad plumbing issue, do you try to fix it yourself, or do you call a (expert) plumber? When you need surgery, do you try to do it yourself, or do you want the most qualified expert with a visible proven track record of successful surgeries handling it for you?

In short, our mission is to enable both investors (including those new to crypto) and experts offering their investing expertise to partner together in a true win/win, profit-sharing model. This social investing revolution is something we are proud to have pioneered in the industry, and unlike many endeavors in the crypto space, it’s real, it works, and it’s about to get even better.

Track records matter.

Before we talk about where Zignaly is going next, a brief recap of some highlights showing where we’ve been — and most importantly, the life-changing results that real users around the world have already experienced with Zignaly over the last 2+ years:

  • Over 400,000 users and accelerating
  • Three core products, used by a wide range of users: Profit Sharing, ZigPAD, and Bridge
  • More than 130 expert-managed services in the marketplace
  • Crypto Livermore: Operating since Dec 2020, more than $100k in AUM, and 290.83% return during this time.
  • Reversal Bot: Operating since May 2021, 4 different services with a total of more than $320k in AUM and around 734.21% return since starting.
  • Speed, Operating since Jun 2021, 6 services and more than $300k in AUM with a return of 379.66%

Zignaly is going decentralized. But why?

While we have been thrilled at how many people we’ve empowered and helped to achieve unprecedented returns on their investments through our existing social investing marketplace model, we also noted the limitations for both consumer investors and expert traders/fund managers alike in operating within a centralized model. Despite the wide array of investing options, and the ability to choose from a wide array of expert traders and fund managers all offering varying investment approaches and vehicles, the existing model is based on using specific exchanges where the range of investment types is necessarily limited by the external exchanges — and all investor-expert connections are managed through the centralized Zignaly site.

While a rich and robust (and quite flexible) system, and with proven results, we have been hard at work on the next natural evolution of our social investing model for a long time — it’s something that takes our mission to the next level of progression: a truly decentralized, agnostic and truly community-controlled Zignaly. While DeFi and DAOs are now trendy, ironically, our original conception of Zignaly has always been to evolve to a decentralized model, rich with capabilities only possible in a truly community-driven model. We knew that to achieve our ultimate mission of financial empowerment and leverage for everyone, “taking Zignaly decentralized” would move us even closer to our vision and mission — removing the unnecessary constraints of centralized exchanges, and ultimately empowering anyone and everyone to self-organize together to invest and collaborate with each other in ways that even we can’t yet imagine.

It’s managed, passive investing — decentralized. And 100x more powerful…

Zignaly DAO <> ZIG

DAOs have become trendy, with many crypto projects (and beyond) adopting a DAO model for what appears to be altruistic purposes of true community ownership and empowerment around common goals and interests. Sometimes this is true, and earnest, and other times, not so much.

For us, the idea of a community-driven Zignaly actually goes back to the whole reason why we created Zignaly in the first place, years ago: we wanted these core social investing capabilities for ourselves, as users, and no one else was providing them, so we created Zignaly to “scratch our own itch” so that we could have the ability to invest through traders and crypto pros and fund managers who were way smarter than us. And even then, we knew that we didn’t have all of the ideas on how to best connect people together nor what eventual features and capabilities they might want in the ever-changing world of crypto and Web3, so we tried several approaches and it turned out that our “profit-sharing” model seemed to work best.

But fast forward to today, and more than ever, we are humbled by the explosion of investment vehicles (metaverse real estate, NFTs of all kinds, staking and LPs, and so much more), and we feel that more than ever a truly community-led roadmap and capabilities would realize our original vision of empowering the masses and leveling the playing field so that everyone could participate in the social investing revolution.

So with our forthcoming Zignaly DAO, the very first and most important thing for us was the realization that “this has to be authentic, a real DAO, a real community, and real tangible capabilities for its users where we nor exchanges have any control or meddling, and our job is to help users reach their financial goals, full stop.”

We have worked hard to come up with not only a DAO model and DeFi version of Zignaly that was real and had tangible value for real people, but to come up with a compelling roadmap that isn’t just vaporware like so many other roadmaps in crypto: we’re passionate about shipping great solutions and capabilities that improve lives, and with the DAO, we’ll have an entire community in the driver’s seat deciding where this goes.

Real value for the DAO members: to reward ZIG-holding DAO members, we’ve also set a target of achieving 10 billion TVL and 100 Million+ in transactions per month, by Q4 2023. We believe that the ZigDAO.com, utilizing the ZIG token, will generate $3 Billion or 30% in returns from the targeted TVL annually.

A decentralized Zignaly will take DeFi to the next level.

The combination of our new DeFi features & capabilities roadmap with a community-driven roadmap will culminate in what we strongly believe will represent a true revolution in both investing as well as entirely new forms of social exchanges of value between people, groups, and organizations large and small. Here are just a few examples of some new things possible with the Zignaly DAO:

  • Imagine creating your own hedge fund with friends. You know that friend or person you know that’s really good at crypto investing, and you’ve always wanted to invest some of your money through them and share the profits? Now you can. Or that expert trader can be you, where you run your own fund.
  • Imagine being able to participate in a decentralized marketplace curated with a range of expert traders, fund managers, and crypto investors with transparent reputation stats and track records, where people can freely collaborate together around a passive investing model where both sides are incentivized and share the profits.
  • If you’re good at crypto investing, now you can offer your expertise to a community of more than 400k users without the constraints of having to create your own solution for managing the accounting of what belongs to who, or of having to market your services out there.
  • Imagine if you found someone on social media or perhaps an impressive person you like to follow, who was making incredible returns from investing in an odd mix of cutting-edge new NFT use cases, Metaverse virtual real estate, and validator nodes…and you wanted to park some of your investment money with her.

Join the Social Investing Revolution.

Today, we’re proud to announce the Zignaly DAO roadmap, features and capabilities, ZIG (utility token) tokenomics, and Zignaly Discord & Telegram Community channels. To learn more, sign up and get the latest news on release dates, special incentives, member-only bounties, and much more.

  1. Go to ZigDAO.com to learn more about the DAO, the roadmap, ZIG, and more. And sign up for email updates with exclusive offers only for email subscribers and Zignaly users.
  2. Join our Zignaly Discord
  3. Join our Zignaly Telegram
  4. Try Zignaly — free! Find out what passive income and managed, social investing is all about, by investing as little as $1 with any of the proven, vetted professional crypto fund managers on the Zignaly marketplace. (www.Zignaly.com)

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Zignaly is a group of passionate individuals who are building a trusted crypto social investment platform that leverages the playing field for everyone.