Zignaly’s Unprecedented Move: Founders Delay Vesting to Prioritize DAO Governance

Let's Learn Together Series by Zignaly
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2023

At Zignaly, we prioritize community, and believe in the power of decentralization and transparency. In June 2022, we announced our plans to become a DAO and decentralize our protocol. Recently, we took the StableNode team — formerly of MakerDAO — officially on board as advisors and investors to help us build our DAO mechanisms. We have secured the commitment of several key individuals who will be instrumental in executing our plans, and we plan to announce their names over the next few months.

The launch of PS 2.0 has been a major achievement for the project, with more features coming soon. By attracting top traders and investors, we have the potential to increase our revenue and solidify our position as one of the most profitable protocols in the market.

As disclosed earlier about our historic performance earlier, every $1 million in TVL makes us $5k/ month, that is, more TVL means more project revenue and long-term sustainability. The DeFi version will only add to our already strong income streams, making Zignaly a force to be reckoned with in the crypto world.

Exciting campaigns are planned for the next three months, attracting more and more users to Zignaly. A greater TVL means more project revenue leading to long-term sustainability. Zignaly has a clear goal of hitting $10 Billion in TVL within the next 3 years while improving the revenue per 1 Million economics by deploying various revenue channels

We aim to grow the TVL (total value locked) by targeting professional traders and investors. Plans for ZigDAO, including its thesis and workings, will be shared with our community for feedback.

Our ultimate aim is to establish the governance of the DAO, allowing the community and ZIG holders to shape the direction of the protocol and the usage of revenue/profits.

To establish a successful decentralized organization, it is crucial to have a strong commitment to the process. As such, we look to create a DAO model that involves the top industry governance leaders, who are experienced enough to drive the perfect protocol mechanics once the transition is completed. Zignaly will ensure that ZIG remains at the core of this engagement, and the community feedback is built in from the scratch.

As per the lockup extension announcement last year, founder tokens are set to vest starting January 2023, linearly for the next 3 years. However, the founding team has decided to delay the unlocking period for another 12 months to show their sheer dedication, unparalleled focus and vested interest in the long term success of the project. The first unlock in Feb 2024 will now vest 12 months of tokens together, while remaining will unlock as scheduled over the longer period. By committing their ZIG Coins to the ZIGDAO delegation, the founding team is strongly aligned with the protocol’s long-term success

In weeks to come, we look forward to sharing more information about the DAO creation, DeFi version, and most importantly, the growth of PS 2.0!

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With over 430,000+ users globally, the Zignaly platform and marketplace are leading the Social Investing revolution, by connecting regular crypto investors with the world’s top, proven expert traders and fund managers in a win/win profit-sharing model. It’s expert-managed, passive crypto investing for the rest of us. Zignaly’s multiple offerings also feature uniquely powerful open doors for Investors looking for full-fledged Portfolio Management services, staking vaults, IDO participation via the ZIGPad, NFT raffles, and revolutionary new Bridge solution.

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