AMA Recap: Ziktalk x Crypto Hunters

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8 min readMar 18, 2021

On March 16, 2021, Ziktalk had a live AMA session with the Crypto Hunters community. Ryan (Marketing Manager, Global) and Jelena (Marketing Manager, Indonesia) represented Ziktalk to answer some questions the Crypto Hunters community had.


Please could you explain about your background..?

Mr. Ryan : My name is Ryan Lee, and I am the marketing manager (global) at Ziktalk. I got into cryptocurrencies in 2017 and have been working in the space since then. I’m excited about the future of blockchain and crypto and how we can merge existing platforms with this emerging technology. Ziktalk does exactly that — we merge social media and blockchain to create a new experience for you guys.

Ms.Jelena : Nama saya Jelena. Saya telah berada di dunia cryptocurrency selama 1,5 tahun, dan telah mengadakan beberapa blockchain event baik lokal/internasional. Saya sangat tertarik dengan cryptocurrency dan pengaplikasiannya yang semakin beragam, dan saya sangat optimis mengenai Ziktalk dan konsepnya yang bagus.

Session 1: Questions and Answers

Q1. Could you explain to us, What is Ziktalk ?

Mr.Ryan : Ziktalk is a blockchain-based social networking platform that rewards users for their social activities and value contribution. On Ziktalk, anyone can create posts sharing pieces of their daily lives, chat with other users, build friendships and relationships, and most importantly, earn ZIK token rewards. There are several ways to earn rewards — if you receive a like on your post or gain a new follower, you receive ZIK. If you help another learn a language on voice or video call, then you also earn ZIK.

First launched in 2016, we’ve grown to over 190,000 signups and thousands of active users. We’re quickly expanding to places all over the world and are very excited for what’s in store for us.

Q2. What tokens does Ziktalk have? How much supply is there, and what is the circulating system for that supply?

Mr.Ryan : The total token supply is 10 billion tokens, and the circulating supply as of December 2020 was around 2.2 billion. We will be updating the circulating supply by the end of this month. More information on tokenomics can be found in our whitepaper, which you can find on Forgot to mention that our token is the ZIK token! It is built on the Luniverse blockchain

Q3. Can ZIK be traded at this time? Where can users buy ZIK? What benefits will Ziktalk offer to users who hold ZIK tokens?

Mr.Ryan : Yes, ZIK is currently listed on two global exchanges — ProBit and You can trade on the ZIK/USDT pair on both exchanges and a ZIK/KRW pair on ProBit. We plan to list on more exchanges in the future.

Q4. What ecosystem does Ziktalk have? What is Ziktalk trying to solve by building this ecosystem?

Mr.Ryan : We have a global network of users who are passionate about meeting new people and sharing their culture, language, and knowledge. We want to create a platform and ecosystem where anyone can join the community and meet people from all over the world and be rewarded.

The problem is twofold.

First, as you are aware, we are more connected than ever, but it is still difficult to meet new people. Ziktalk’s news feed and friend recommendations makes it easier for you to meet friendly strangers who soon become your friends.

Second, social media users have not been rewarded for their contributions. Until now. With Ziktalk, anyone can share content and connect with users and be rewarded with ZIK tokens. In our Ziktalk ecosystem, users can receive rewards from the Ziktalk platform, and they can also receive rewards from other users. In this way, we create a cycle of giving and receiving rewards.

Q5. What is Ziktalk Vision and Mission? Can you please provide me with the current Ziktalk road map? and what things will be realized in the near future and in the future?

Mr.Ryan : Our vision is to create a thriving platform where any user can meet friends and be rewarded through the application of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Our current roadmap is as follows:

  1. Improve user app experience
  2. Expand our presence into different markets
  3. Add new features (videos, video streaming, stickers, etc)
  4. Exchange listing
  5. New token features (in the planning stage)

While we don’t have exact dates, this is our roadmap.

Our goal for the first half of 2021 is to reach 1 million users. You guys can help us by referring your friends! Hint: you get free ZIK tokens for each referral.

Sessions 2: Questions From Twitter

Q1 : from @azyrmdhn

What are the plans to educate and raise awareness and adoption among the community to make more people understand about Ziktalk project easily even for beginners?

Ms. Jelena : We believe that Ziktalk is for everyone. That explains why we combined learning + social platform with blockchain. Our plans to help the beginners to understand our project are :

  1. Encourage the users to be active on Ziktalk app in order to get them know more about our currency ZIK with its functions.
  2. Educate the users by sharing educative articles about ZIK and cryptocurrency in general. We set up our blogs on Medium for our readers.
  3. Elevate our marketing plan by constantly knowing our users from each countries well in order to provide specific contents aims to boost people’s awareness towards Ziktalk.
  4. Engage with our users by directly answering their questions through our Telegram groups for different countries, which are transforming to be solid communities.
  5. Empower the youth by educating them about blockchain technology and by giving them the opportunity to be rewarded for their activity on Ziktalk’s app.

We will do our best to educate people regarding our project.

Q2 : from @girlkpop11

Many blockchain projects are just on paper and have no real meaning. What practical product is Ziktalk using? What plans do you have for a better product in the future?

Ms.Jelena : While other projects using entertainment, charity, financial services, Ziktalk is using the integration of education, social media, and blockchain as its “products”. We are planning to step up our game through more app features like video streaming and AI based services.

Q3 : from @NguynHuuda89

Ziktalk has a program to incentive the creation of local communities in countries where English is not spoken. How many local communities have been created through this incentive program?

Ms.Jelena : Actually, we are rewarding everyone for their fair participation on Ziktalk app.

So far, we have created four (4) communities across the world. Global, Indonesian, Filipino, and Vietnamese Community. We are looking forward to having various communities across the world and getting people to experience the “new social platform” by Ziktalk. Furthermore, we are preparing to launch an ambassador program.

Q4 : from @hakkikeless

Ziktalk is a social networking platform actually different from usual social network. My question is: To what extent can users influence the decisions made on the ZikTalk platform? Will they only decide on economic issues or also on more structural aspects?

Ms.Jelena : User feedback is very important to us as a platform. We’ve been reshaping our application and its features after listening to the voices of our multiple communities. With regards to governance, we have not establish decentralized governance. However, it is in our best interest to listen to our users and to give them what they want. We have and will continue to receive feedback, both good and bad

Q5 : from @quangtrung899

I’m really excited about the Ziktalk project, did you have any preparations for the $ZIK ? Can you share it when and where is the link to buy it?

Ms.Jelena : We are all excited! Actually, we’ve listed on ProBit and, and we’re looking forward to be listed in more exchanges and get people know about ZIK! You can also earn it just by being social in Ziktalk app, and we will reward you with ZIK!

So, don’t forget to join now!

Sessions 3: Free Asking

Q1 : From @BenSTOCK

Is your platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only appeal to professional users?

Ms.Jelena : Our platform is suitable for both beginners and professional. Even for those who aren’t aware of cryptocurrency yet. Ziktalk is a knowledge sharing platform, and Ziktalk is not limited to anyone’s capacity, knowledge, race, background, etc.

Q2 : From @Vinael_7007

What amazing things can CONVINCE users that Ziktalk is the RIGHT app for learning languages, meeting friends, etc ?

Ms.Jelena : — Ziktalk is a platform with categorized native speakers from all over the world. The user will easily find whoever they wish to talk to and start learning from each other.

– We have a friendly UI, which is suitable for beginners. We’re trying to bring the new experience of using social media.

– For learners, we have “correct” feature which allows any user to correct any mistakes of someone’s post, comments, and chat.

– Last but not least, we reward EVERYONE for their fair participation and being social.

Q3: From @starshades007

Tell us a little bit about security? Have you done an audit of the platform? Are the smart contracts error-free? What are the test results?

Mr.Ryan : Security is of utmost importance, so we are currently working to upgrade our server security. We also understand that a professional audit of our code is necessary, so we plan on getting audited by a reputable firm in the near future.

Q4: From @rujroyat

How do you plan to spread your understanding of the project in different countries where spoken English is not good like me?I would like to have a long term investment with your project but at the moment I have doubts, how can you convince and convince me that this project is very promising?

Mr.Ryan : Our app was designed to accommodate users from every country. Currently, we have 68 options for “languages I speak” and “languages I want to learn.” We will continue to add more languages so that everyone’s language is represented. As for the in-app interface languages, we plan to add more in the future.

Q5: From @cryptoneco

In which countries your application is currently common. What languages are supported in the Ziktalk application for further use?

Mr.Ryan : Adoption is common in Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, and in English speaking and Spanish speaking countries. We are rapidly growing in our user base, as we have gone from 100,000 total sign ups in February to almost 200,000 as of today. 100,000 in a little over a month! So we are experiencing an inflow of users from a lot more regions. We have 68 languages that can be selected and will add more in the future.

A massive thank you to everyone who joined us during this AMA session.

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