Difference between Luniverse and ERC Token

Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2022

Hello, ziktalkers

Today, we’d like to teach you the difference between Luniverse and ERC token!


Luniverse is the platform that serves blockchain cloud service developed by “람다256”. One of the most important features is safe transaction without transaction fee. The service serves as a DDoS defense function preventing downtime of the app. The Luniverse chain issues blocks each second with a large amount of transaction data (much more than Bitcoin).

ERC token

ERC token takes advantage of being replaceable and interchangeable accross many different avenues. Designing a DAPP according to ERC-20 and publishing tokens, allows them to be transferred to wallet(ex : Metamask). DAPP is much more developed but since it is on the Ethereum blockchain there are fluctuating transaction fees according to market prices.

Both of the these tokens have a difference in their design algorithm, so we will talk about the each algorithm.


First, Luniverse use the ‘Proof of Authority’ method. This method use the reputation of validators. Only preapproved validators can organize transactions into blocks. Thus, it needs less computational resources, so it is regarded as environmental method. However, the way to give authority to someone is more centralized than the other methods.


In case of Ethereum, they use the ‘Proof of Work’ method. In oder to figure out the hash, it needs huge amount of efforts. In this method, transactions can proceed in a fair and secure manner for all. Also, transaction history cannot be changed and it can prevent malicious attack. Therefore, this method is the most secure and reliable. However, this method needs high energy usage, so Ethereum seems to move to ‘POS’ method that can overcome the limitations.

Ziktalk recently gave the opportunity to use ERC20 swap, so Ziktalk users could choose tokens. As you know now, they have both advantages and disadvantages. Thus, you need to choose tokens according to your judgment by comparing their features. We will back to more useful topic!

