How to Deposit ZIK Tokens

Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2022

Hello, Ziktalkers

Last time we talked about the way to withdraw ZIK to Probit. As we announced, today we will tell you how to deposit ZIK from Probit Exchange!

It’s similar with withdrawal, so make sure you know the way to deposit perfectly for not getting confused.

how to deposit ZIK

1.Like withdrawal, click the ‘Balance’ button on the wallet tab.

2.Enter the ‘ZIK’ on the search bar and click the ‘withdrawal’ button.

3.After that, click the ‘QR code’ button on wallet page in Ziktalk and copy the ‘My wallet address’.

4.Enter the copied address on ‘withdrawal address’ bar and then enter the amount of tokens you want to deposit. There will be a 50 ZIK network fee. You can see the final amount of tokens you will receive at the bottom.

5.If you enter the wrong address you will not receive your tokens. Double check the wallet address to make sure you will get your tokens.

*You can confirm the transaction of withdrawal and deposit on Ziktalk wallet page.

Now you can deposit ZIK easily, just following the steps. We hope you use this to add more ZIK to your account or participate in special events and swaps.

