What Is the‘WEB 3.0’?

Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2022

Hello, Ziktalkers

We referred to the difference between WEB 2.0 and WEB 3.0 in previous article.

Today, we’d like to explain about what WEB 3.0 is.

WEB 1.0 and WEB 2.0

Before talking about WEB 3.0, we need to know WEB 1.0 and WEB 2.0. First, WEB 1.0 is the generation based on ‘Searching’. It means that information is given to users in one way and users just play the role of watching the information given to them. In other words, information suppliers and consumers are separated accurately. You can think search engine like Naver and Google that you search the keyword and information appears.

Changing to WEB 2.0, the method also changes giving information in one way to interacting. On WEB 2.0, there is no borderline between suppliers and consumers. In addition to watching, users can upload and share contents with others. SNS like Facebook, Twitter and messenger like Kakao, Wechat function like that.

WEB 3.0

WEB 3.0 means custom web generation. On WEB 3.0 platform, not only can read and write, but also own their contents. On WEB 2.0 platform, users also can see other user’s contents and upload their contents, but these belong to the platform where they post their contents. Therefore, platforms take most of revenue. However, WEB 3.0 platform dose not monopolize the revenue. It is user-centralized, so users can control the data. This is because decentralization is realized by using blockchain.

Ziktalk is the APP that has these features. With features of WEB 2.0, all creators can make a profit by their contents. In Ziktalk, creators gain rewards for their contents. Beyond the limit of WEB 2.0 APP that only platform or some poplar creators make a profit, all creators uploading useful contents get fair reward. Thus, Ziktalk is more suitable for users who want to get both self-satisfaction and reward on social media. Later, we will tell you Ziktalk function in detail.

Today, we talked about the main word of Ziktalk, ‘WEB 3.0’. In WEB 3.0 Ziktalk, we hope that users enjoy the video and get rewards:)

