Ziktalk Community AMA Recap

Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2020

Hello Ziktalk community,

Last week, on December 24, 2020, we held an AMA with our Korean community. Here is a recap of the questions and answers from the AMA.

How many developers are on the Ziktalk team?

We have three developers, one new dev coming in next week. We have a total of eight people on the team.

Will testing for the Ziktalk app update be completed by January?

Yes, we are continuing our tests and expect to have the app update in January. With the app update will begin further adoption of our app.

What will be the value of ZIK when ZIK replaces the current GEM in the app?

Each user will receive 500 ZIK when they sign up, so each user’s current value is about 3 dollars. When more people use our platform, like when we reach Facebook’s user count, user value can go up to 100 dollars per person. In certain FinTech or financial institutions, user value can go beyond 1000 dollars per person. After the update, each user’s GEM will automatically be swapped to ZIK at a 1 GEM:10 ZIK ratio.

What languages are supported on the Ziktalk app?

Around 60 languages are available on our app.

How many app downloads are there?

We have about 100,000 users.

Do you have plans to increase user base through marketing?

Yes, we will begin more marketing campaigns with our app update.

What are the advantages of Luniverse?

Luniverse’s sidechain enables users to perform instant and feeless in-app transactions. This is a big advantage for microtransactions.

Do you have plans to renew your website after the app update?

Yes, that is also in our roadmap.

How much does it cost (per second) to make an in-app call? Is it possible to purchase a monthly subscription?

It costs 1 ZIK per second for the caller. It is not possible to buy monthly subscriptions.

Do you have plans for new exchange listings?

We plan to pursue more exchange listings after our update, so we believe 2021 will have more listings in store for us. Listings require a degree of non-disclosure, so we may have to keep things in secret. Because 90% of Ziktalk’s users are from outside of Korea, we are looking into listing on international exchanges.

What are you having for lunch?

Our designer is ordering delivery (we had chicken curry rice).

Do you have plans for other partnerships?

We are always looking for new, good partners. We hope to have more partnerships revealed in 2021.

What is the current circulating supply?

The current circulating supply is about 2.2 billion tokens.

Can you tell us more about the private sale and lockup period?

Ziktalk has private sales in three phases that spans across three years, beginning in July 2019 and ending in June 2022. See table below for more details.

Will more tokens be released with new exchange listings?

New tokens may be released for new exchange listings. Private sale tokens may be further released when new sales opportunities develop. Team tokens are now unlocked, so they are expected to be released at 1% per year (1% out of 10%). Currently, there are no team tokens released.

Value for ZIK comes from its use case, transparency, and real users. What do you think about this idea?

We agree, and we plan to do our best to bring in new users. Transparency is an important part of our business. We believe that transparency is instrumental for the growth of our ecosystem.

Thank you all for participating in our AMA. Merry Christmas!

