The Builders — Founders Spotlight: DeStream

Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2018
The DeStream Team

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Describe DeStream in one sentence:

DeStream — blockchain based donation platform and financial ecosystem for streaming industry.

Now please tell us more specifically what DeStream does:

Destream is the first blockchain-based donation platform and financial ecosystem for streaming industry. We help streamers to earn more revenue and discover new revenue channels. We are the platform with fee less than 1%, which is up to 20 times cheaper than classical platform. We take only 0.77% per transaction.

What inspired you to start DeStream?

We saw the market and all the classical problems which were possible to solve with blockchain help. Low fee’s, transparency, new revenue channels and engagement with viewers. And we decided to build DeStream to help streamers, viewers and advertisers.

What has DeStream achieved so far?

Today we already forked Stratis and launched main-net and our wallet. Also we developed all UI of the platform. Started platform development and its possible to check our traction on where we transparently show our development procedure. At the same time we are building tournament-platform in cooperation with click-storm. Registered non-profit organization “World streamers association” to help the market development.

What do you hope to accomplish within the next few months?

Until the end of the year we will launch tournament platform. December-January will be launched alpha of the DeStream platform and streamers will be able to use it to accept donations.

Give us 3 tips for people who are doing/plan to do an ICO?

  • Find the real problem to solve and work with the potential community.
  • Check the traction of the all subsidiaries who want to sell you professional services.
  • Blockchain is not about money, first of all, think about use cases and answer the question “why do you need blockchain?”

You can check out more info about DeStream on ZILLA app and join the whitelist!

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