The Builders — Founders Spotlight: VReS

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3 min readNov 16, 2018
(Photo: VReS booth at Tokyo Game Show 2018)

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Describe VReS in one sentence:

Tearing down the borders and evening the playing field in video gaming & eSports, giving everyone the chance to become a professional eSports competitor.

Now please tell us more specifically what VReS does:

VReS is a platform for VR, that will host the types of games that have the potential to become eSports- highly competitive, addictive, and unlike conventional eSports- using your body’s natural reflexes. Spectate in a full VR environment, bet on the outcomes of matches using our VReS token, join official/sponsored/ranked tournaments or create your own using our Smart Contracts to offer big prize pools without having any money up front!

What inspired you to start VReS?

I used to be an aspiring professional wrestler. Just before my qualifying match, I sustained an injury, preventing me from entering. It made me very upset and forced me to think. I realized that there must be a way for everyone to be able to compete, even those who have sustained injuries, or who have disabilities. I was also a huge fan of video games. I imagined a world of competition-level gaming that allowed people to really use their bodies to move, so that it truly felt like conventional sports, while still allowing anyone and everyone to compete- regardless of their physical condition. Thus, VReS was born.

What has VReS achieved so far?

VReS has nearly finished the platform that will host the types of games that don’t currently exist in the gaming world- games where you really utilize your body’s movements, natural reflexes and reactions, and give you feedback in a completely immersed state. We are so excited to share what we’re working on with the world!

What do you hope to accomplish within the next few months?

We hope to finish the final stages to prepare our platform for its official launch, release our first game, and attract more third-party developers to develop for our platform.

Give us 3 tips for people who are doing/plan to do an ICO?

I could give this tip 3 times and it still wouldn’t be enough, but plan. Plan, plan, plan! There’s no way to anticipate everything that may need to be done, of course, but the more thoroughly you plan and chart out what needs to be done, the better off you will be.

Secondly, create a strong network. Meet as many people in the industry as you can, and ask them about their project. They will naturally ask about yours if you do this, and then word starts to spread organically.

And number three somewhat ties into number one, but do your research! The market you’re trying to break into may be in one state at the onset of your project, but headed in an entirely different direction! Follow market trends for as long as you can, do your research, and get a hold of whatever analytics you can. They will be absolutely invaluable to your endeavors!

VReS was listed on ZILLA during their ICO. Soon we will also add the token to our wallet. Stay tuned!

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