Provenance Summit Tokyo Building with Blockchain

Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2019

Read this article in 日本語

Introduce yourself to the reader:

My name is HuíChí Man, I’m the founder of Provenance Events. I’m from Ireland and I run global events.

What is the purpose of your event?

Provenance Summit focuses on the aspect of blockchain product development. We bring projects with products built on top of blockchain to educate teams from startups and enterprises. Taking a perspective from the development cycle, we look at topics such as design, development tools, product management, regulation, and compliance.

Who are you trying to attract to the event?

We target teams in roles from design, development and product management coming from all levels of the company organisation.

Can you name a few of the featured speakers?

Teck Chia, Head of BiananceX, Binance

Seth Melamed, Global Head of Business Development, Liquid

Thomas Glucksmann

Takayuki Omori, Tokyo Lead, Facebook Developer Circles

Kenichi Kurimoto, CEO, Nayuta

Graham de Barra, CEO, Bitcart

What influencers and what media will be at the event?

We have some local community partners such as TeamZ, ZILLA, Tokyo Fintech. In terms of media, we have Cointelegraph, Asia Blockchain Review and much more.

Are there any side events?

Yes there is, you can view them on

What do you expect of the coming event?

I expect to bring the Japanese community and international companies together. This is a mutual benefit to both parties for doing business locally.

What do you do after the event?

I will go back to Ireland, my next event will be in Switzerland but it’s not blockchain. I work with different clients on helping them expand their brand and marketing presence in a new market with events.

What would you wish attendees do more at the event?

For everyone coming, I just hope you have a good time and meet someone new.

Anything else you want to share with the reader?

You can see our past event on

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