The Builders — Event Spotlight: TokenomX

Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2019
Left: Stephanie Simon Right: Kara-Jay Matthews

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Organized by Yellow, TokenomX will be held at the Athénée Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand on 27–28th February, 2019. You can now view the conference information and purchase tickets with crypto on ZILLA app!

ZILLA Team had an exclusive interview with Kara, the Co-CEO of Yellow Live and Co-Founder of Tokenomx. Read below to know more about the coming conference!

Please introduce yourself to the reader:

Hey! My name is Kara and I am the Co-CEO of Yellow Live and Co-Founder of Tokenomx. I am working in the events business because I LOVE the variety it brings in my work day, meeting and networking with awesome people, traveling to new places and getting the satisfaction from making our attendees, sponsors and speakers happy!

I got into crypto originally because i was super curious about what all the hype was and I loved how excited and passionate people were about the industry. Stephanie (my business partner) and I knew we could combine the passionate community and our love for events to create something awesome.

What is the purpose of your conference/event?

The purpose of our event is to educate and to provide a matchmaking service for networking.
We have a strict “NO pitch” policy on stage. Every speaker has to deliver an educational talk with actionable takeaways. Our priority is that our attendees, speakers and sponsors all leave Yellow Live / Tokenomx feeling like they got real value.

Who are you trying to attract to the conference?

We attract attendees that want to continue to educate themselves and learn about the space, high quality projects that are doing awesome things in the space and speakers that can deliver a great talk with high value.

Can you name a few of the featured speakers?

Yes! We are excited to welcome back Nicholas Merten to the stage (Datadash)
Also we have: Michael Nye, Prinn Panitchpakdi (The Stock Exchange of Thailand), Miko Matsumura, Alexis Sirkia and many more!

Can you tell us about the program?

Topics are TBC! The market changes so quickly so we ensure that all our content is very up to date with current happenings and trends.
The format of our talks are in TED X style, 20 minutes of education and value. After the event we email our attendees a copy of the slides for each talk.

What influencers and what media will be at the conference?

Datadash, Michael Nye and Miko Matsumura will all be speaking/attending.

Are there any side events?

Yes, so far confirmed we have:26th February — Investors Brunch (Invitation only), Pre-Registration and Networking Cocktails, Speaker Dinner (Invitation only)
27th February — VIP Party @ Hotel Muse for VIP & VIP Plus Ticket Holders only, Unofficial Party for all attendees
28th February — Official Party for all attendees

What do you expect of the coming conference?

In regards to what attendees will gain from the conference all depends on the attendee! Yellow will be doing job interviews at our booth so I am sure a few people will walk away with new kick ass jobs, an education and some lifelong friends/ connections!

What do you do after the conference?

One of the first things we do is survey everyone to receive honest feedback. That way we can keep improving. After that we make sure all the talks are edited and loaded on the site, everyone gets the slides emailed to them etc. Shortly after we will be planning our next event!

What would you wish attendees do more at the conference?

We encourage our attendees to communicate with each other first before just handing someone a business card, even better to find an alternative way to connect with each other that is memorable making it easier to communicate after the event. Business cards are not always the best thing to hand out and can get lost etc.

Anything else you want to share to the reader?

About Yellow: Yellow is building the future of blockchain with seed investments, mentorship, advisory and software solutions as the core offerings. Learn more about what Yellow does here.

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