The Builders — People Spotlight: Roger Ver

Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2018

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Introduce yourself to the reader:

I’m Roger Ver, the world’s first investor in the crypto currency ecosystem, and currently the CEO of

I split my time between St Kitts in the Caribbean, and Tokyo Japan.

I first met Abasa through some mutual friends in Tokyo.

What got you into crypto?

I’m interested in empowering individuals to be able to resist the dictates of politicians.

I see crypto currencies as the best tool the world has ever seen to empower the individual.

Describe your daily life. A typical day in your life.

I spend most of each day answering emails regarding spreading Bitcoin Cash.

Regarding crypto and blockchain, what do you believe that most people disagree with?

I think people will use whatever crypto currency is the most useful. If we want them to be wide spread, we must make them more useful that competing legacy systems. This shouldn’t be controversial, but it is.

What else are you interested in besides crypto?

Voluntaryism, the idea that all human interactions should be on a voluntary basis, or not at all.

I’m also very interested in transhumanism and extropianism.

Do you plan on attending any events soon?

I attend the Bitcoin Cash weekly meetup every Wednesday in Tokyo.

Any advice to newbies?

Don’t be scared. Try using Crypto currencies to see just how easy they are. is a great place to get started.

Make a 15 second video to say hi!

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