Zilliqa Community Update 28 May 2019 — Consensus, Community Developments and Gearing up for Zilliqa Day

Aparna Narayanan
Zilliqa — Official Blog
5 min readMay 28, 2019

Greetings everyone,

With Consensus in the rear view mirror and our annual day just around the corner, our marketing and community project pipeline has been busy.

In the meantime, industry reports are recognising our milestones and talent, and highlighting us as a competitive and leading player in the field. In fact, a recent dev report by Electric Capital points to Zilliqa as a highly active and leading project in terms developer activity. At Zilliqa, we remain focused on developing our technology and attracting the best talent — which we believe will collectively shape our strategy and benefit numerous industries in the coming years.

We are also happy to be featured in Binance Research’s in-depth report which provides a good glimpse into our journey so far, details our technology, token sale economics, community networking strategy, competitor overview, and trading data.

Reflections on New York Blockchain Week 2019

This month, the who’s who of the blockchain world descended upon The Big Apple to talk blockchain, innovation and the future of technology. While some of our team had attended Consensus Singapore before, this New York Blockchain Week was new to most of us.

Being a part of this ecosystem— with attendees ranging from investors, traders, developers and even new crypto enthusiasts — was a learning in itself. There’s no doubt that Consensus brought together some fantastic established — as well as up-and-coming names in the industry, government sphere and academia to foster fruitful discussions and drive meaningful connections. The presence of global trade authorities and regulators was another indication of the extent to which blockchain has permeated the economy, bringing in diverse players who were discussing the work to be done down the line to fully realize the potential of this still-nascent industry.

Consensus 2019 attracted a global footfall, with some regulars claiming it has evolved over the years. This year, they came across a lot more corporate entities looking to leverage blockchain. For Zilliqa, now focusing all its efforts on blockchain usability, this was quite interesting.

One of our objectives for attending was to meet and speak to various players in the ecosystem to understand their needs from a public blockchain. Another was to share our own value proposition, our milestones so far and plans looking ahead. In fact, we used the Consensus Construct platform to announce that soon — on June 10 — smart contracts will be enabled on Zilliqa, thereby fulfilling what we promised to deliver two years ago: the first ever public blockchain and smart contracts platform built on sharding. Thanks to our team members, we were successfully able to achieve these objectives.

Twitter Contest

As we move towards our second anniversary celebration, Zilliqa Day 2019 (18 June!) it is time to take a moment to thank you! Without you, we would have never made it so far. As we get closer to the Zilliqa day celebration, we want to hear from you what made you accompany us in this journey. What makes you passionate about this project?

Share your thoughts with the community and participate in the Zilliqa Day Countdown competition to win many prizes worth USD 7500. The competition began on 17 May 2019, 0000 hrs Singapore time and will run till 15 June 2019, 2359 hrs. One ‘entry of the day’ winner will be selected every day during this period and 3 final prize winners will be announced on Zilliqa Day on 18 June 2019.

To participate, create original content and tweet it to us by using hashtag #ZilliqaDay2019 and tagging @zilliqa and @SaibaKataruka.

You can see all the entries submitted so far, here: https://twitter.com/hashtag/ZilliqaDay2019?src=hash

A shout-out to some of our winners so far: Congratulations to @Germantrader85 for sharing his vision of Zilliqa and @Malteslywest for his fantastic experiment with 3D design branding with our logo! We’re proud to have community members like you who, who are committed to spreading awareness on the potential of blockchain and creatively illustrating our value proposition.

Community Update: Congratulations to Unstoppable Domains!

Last week, one of our grantees Unstoppable Domains raised $4 million from Draper Associates and Boost VC. As you may know, Unstoppable’s .zil domains serve as human-readable addresses accepting crypto payments. Now, the organisation is focused on running a decentralised, censorship free domain registry in their mission towards “Global Free Speech”. We’re very excited to share this major milestone with all of you. Read more here.

Zilliqa in the News

For all of you budding entrepreneurs and innovators out there, our Co-Founder Max shared some insights on the evolution of the tech entrepreneurship landscape and how decentralised technologies are shaping the trajectory of innovation.
With our novel approach to addressing blockchain scalability and recent tech developments, Fintech News Singapore included us in a roundup of influential blockchain projects and startups in the country.
PepsiCo was recognised as a prominent brand that’s making its foray into blockchain thanks to our recent Project Proton campaign!
As our team mentioned during this year’s Consensus New York, usability is one of our key priorities. Following our announcement regarding our adoption of Bech32 encoding to improve user experience on Zilliqa, Smartereum published a feature summarising all of the recent developments on our blockchain following our mainnet launch earlier this year.

For further information, connect with us on one of our social channels:

