Leveraging demographic insights for gamification design

Facebook data suggests avenues for participation

2 min readMar 12, 2024


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Building engaged digital communities is crucial for independent media in the current landscape. As advertising dollars continue shifting to large platforms, news organizations must find innovative ways to foster meaningful participation and support from their audiences.

At Community Podium, our mission is to empower marginalized voices and facilitate respectful civic dialogue. We believe informed discussion across differences is essential for a healthy democracy. However, many platforms struggle with user engagement and outreach, especially among younger demographics who came of age in a digital world.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve conducted research to understand our current readership and how they interact with news online. Analysis of our Facebook data provided initial demographic insights. Interestingly, the majority of our audience identifies as male (57.8%), and falls within the 35–44 (30.6%) and 25–34 (30.3%) age groups.

My research into our existing audience demographics provided some useful insights. The fact that nearly 60% of our audience identifies as male suggests there may be opportunities to diversify engagement by appealing to more female readers through careful design. However, it’s encouraging that over 30% of our users fall into each of the relatively young 25–34 and 35–44 age cohorts.

This younger demographic profile indicates that gamification strategies have strong potential to resonate and spark participation. Game mechanics are more intuitive for those acclimated to interactive experiences online from an early age. Elements like points, leaderboards and status unlocked through contributing positively could tap into their innate desire for achievement and competition. At the same time, it’s important we don’t lose sight of inclusivity.

Through analysis of Facebook data for our 18–44 year old audience, some initial themes emerging show achievement-based mechanics may not be the strongest driver of participation. Metrics indicated posts focused on collaboration and discussion received higher engagement than those emphasizing competition or individual achievements.

Moving forward, I plan to conduct additional surveys and follow up interviews to validate these early findings. The goal is to identify common trends that will guide designing gamified concepts directly aligned with cultivating respectful civic dialogue.

I look forward to sharing more as this research process unfolds. Learning insights will be synthesized to inform initial design iterations. Your feedback is vital to help us build Community Podium into an inclusive space we envision for our audiences.

