Introducing the Innovate360 Capstone Projects for 2024

Divine Dube
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2024

Our Innovate360 journalism entrepreneurs will tackle real-world challenges facing their newsrooms through ambitious capstone projects. They will apply new skills directly, aiming to stimulate disruption and strengthen their news outlets with innovative ideas for the future.

We are excited to introduce the capstone projects that our talented entrepreneurial journalists from 12 independent digital-first news organizations from Zimbabwe will undertake as part of the Innovate360 program.

Several projects will explore cutting-edge technology solutions, such as an AI-powered news discovery tool and a gamified audience engagement system. Other projects will focus on leveraging social media platforms and developing strategic distribution networks.

Monetization strategies, such as a paid content subscription model and a digital archive, will also be explored. Multimedia-centric approaches involving podcasts and new platforms are also on the docket.

In addition to their real-world projects, participants will undergo rigorous training on topics such as audience growth tactics, innovative revenue streams, and product development and management.

They will also have the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from each other as well as visit successful digital-first newsrooms across the globe to learn about pioneering journalism solutions firsthand.

We look forward to following each member’s journey over the coming months as their innovative solutions take shape and transform participating newsrooms. Below are the projects being undertaken:

AI-Powered News Discovery Tool

Vera Chisvo (Open Parly) aims to develop an innovative AI tool designed to revolutionize the newsroom’s content discovery process. The tool will leverage advanced algorithms to search and monitor relevant individuals of interest, filter through their content, and identify compelling news stories. By utilizing this tool, the newsroom aims to enhance its efficiency in delivering high-quality content while expanding its reach to new audiences and maintaining existing ones.

Content Distribution Network

Leopold Munhende ( aims to develop a content distribution network for, with a specific focus on connecting with audiences in rural areas. The project will leverage existing community groups, including Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), which have tested ways of reaching rural communities. By utilizing this network, aims to expand its audience and attract new advertisers, thereby growing its revenue sources.

News Subscription Model

Brighton Chiseva (TellZim) aims to develop a subscription model for exclusive content at TellZim News. The project aims to monetize news products and generate revenue by offering premium content accessible only to logged-on or subscribed members. The success of the project will be measured by the number of new subscribers and the increase in revenue from subscriptions, which will contribute to the financial sustainability and growth of TellZim News.

WhatsApp-Focused Audience Growth Strategy

Nothando Mathe (Kukurigo) aims to develop a WhatsApp-focused audience growth strategy for Kukurigo. The project aims to leverage the popularity and reach of WhatsApp to expand the audience and engagement for Kukurigo. The success of the project will be measured by the overall increase in the number of subscribers on Kukurigo’s WhatsApp channel, thereby diversifying reader and ad revenue streams for the news outlet.

Gamified Audience Engagement System

Peter Moyo (Community Podium) aims to develop a gamified audience engagement system for his news outlet. The project involves creating a points and badges system to reward audiences for actions such as sharing articles, leaving comments, and participating in polls. By seamlessly integrating the system into Facebook and X using a third-party plugin, the project aims to increase user interactions, expand social media reach, and improve conversion rates, ultimately leading to enhanced reader revenue opportunities for Community Podium.

Podcast for Content Diversification

Partinella Ngozo (Community Voices Zimbabwe) aims to develop a podcast to diversify her media organization’s content offering. The podcast will feature compelling storytelling, relevant discussions, and local perspectives, attracting underserved audiences in the Midlands province. By leveraging the power of podcasting, this project seeks to drive audience growth, foster community engagement, and create new opportunities for revenue, ensuring the media organization’s sustainability and expansion.

Digital News Archive

Nathan Guma (The NewsHawks) aims to create a digital archive that will house a comprehensive collection of investigative reports by his news outlet. The primary goal of this project is to offer paid access to this valuable information while keeping the news articles on the outlet’s digital paper freely accessible. By implementing a subscription-based model, the project aims to generate revenue to support the news organization and ensure its long-term sustainability.

Post-X Digital Strategy

Marshall Bwanya (ZimLive) aims to develop a comprehensive post-X digital strategy for ZimLive, focusing on expanding its reach and engagement on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. By leveraging the unique features and dynamics of each platform, the newsroom intends to captivate and connect with a wider audience. This will not only enhance ZimLive’s brand visibility but also drive higher engagement, increased traffic to its website, and potential revenue growth through advertising.

Audience Growth Strategy

Sofia Mapuranga (NewsHub) aims to develop a comprehensive multimedia strategy for her newsroom. The strategy aims to expand the reach and impact of Newshub’s investigative stories. Central to the strategy is targeted distribution, which will focus on reaching niche audiences interested in investigative reporting. The project’s success will be measured by the growth of Newshub’s audience, creating opportunities for reader engagement and monetization.

User-Generated Content Strategy

Taurai Makasimba (Women’s Weekly Journal) aims to develop and implement a comprehensive user-generated content (UGC) strategy for his news organization. The strategy will focus on engaging the audience and expanding the reach of the publication by actively involving readers in content creation. By leveraging the power of UGC, Women’s Weekly Journal aims to foster a sense of community, increase audience engagement, and unlock reader revenue in the future.

Aggregation Platform

Panashe Makufa (Sources Media) aims to establish a visual content aggregation platform. The platform’s main goal is to curate a diverse range of visual content, spanning from high-end productions to grassroots perspectives. By offering a one-stop hub for Zimbabwean stories, the project aims to attract niche audiences and ultimately generate digital revenue for the news outlet.

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Divine Dube

Zimbabwean Journalist & News Leader | JSK Alum, CUNY EJCP Alum | Columbia Uni Lede Data Journalism Alum | UCLan Media Innovation Scholar