That time I was called a LEGO Serious Play guru :-)

Wiro Kuipers
Zin in de Zaak


It’s been 2.5 years already since Laurence McCahill of The Happy Startup School interviewed me about how I use LEGO Serious Play in my daily business as a playful facilitator. Even after 30 months people still refer to this video, and ask me questions about it — so I thought it would be worthwhile to share it on this medium as well. Here we go; enjoy the ride!

Any questions on the LEGO Serious Play and how I use it? Feel free to contact me via You can also take a look at our website, if you understand Dutch.



Wiro Kuipers
Zin in de Zaak

Playful facilitator @ Professional Play, using playful interventions and gamified solutions — like LEGO Serious Play — to make work feel like play.