A recruiters guide to referencing a candidate with Zinc

Get your first reference delivered to your inbox in two simple steps.

Luke Shipley
Zinc blog
2 min readSep 5, 2018


Zinc is a Web3 based hiring toolkit that includes an automated referencing tool. I’m going to walk you through the process of signing up to collect your first candidate reference. I’ll also show you the journey your candidate and their referee will go through so you can get an overview of the whole journey.

  1. Sign-up to https://zincwork.com/: you can signup via; email and password, LinkedIn or MetaMask. LinkedIn is recommended to attach any existing current professional reputation to Zinc. If you choose another sign-up method, you can connect your LinkedIn from your account page once signed up anyway.
  2. Request reference: navigate to the recruit tab on the left menu bar. Click the ‘request reference’ button on the top right of your page. Complete the form, entering the candidates name, email, the number of references you’d like back and a note to them. Hitting submit will cost you 10 ZINC tokens per reference.

Receive your reference: Nothing else is required. You’ll be notified by email when the references are ready and you’ll view them in a unique shareable link. Don’t worry we’ll pass the necessary messages onto the candidate and referee and we’ll do the chasing. We incentivise the referee to respond quickly and authenticate with LinkedIn. We’ll notify you if there is a date mismatch too.

This video demonstrates the full reference process from the recruiter, the referee and workers persona.

Get in touch if you’d like support; hello@zincwork.com Or we’d love to hear your feedback too.



Luke Shipley
Zinc blog

Co-founder of ZINC :::> https://zincwork.com/ <::: Creating sustainable work data with Zinc’s employee background checking tools.