The Decision to overturn Roe vs Wade

4 min readMay 10, 2022


Pavel Danilyuk (Pexels)

Why has the subject of Roe vs. Wade come up again? This is a very delicate topic to talk about. I was reading an article about the Supreme Court voting to overturn the decision made in 1973. Here we go again.

I read in that Samuel Alito an associate justice of the Supreme Court, wrote “ We cannot allow our decisions to be affected by any extraneous influences such as concern about the public’s reaction to our work,” Alito writes. “We do not pretend to know how our political system or society will respond to today’s decision overruling Roe and Casey. And even if we could foresee what will happen, we would have no authority to let that knowledge influence our decision.” How can anyone state that you would not have an idea of how the system or society will respond to this overruling? Of course they know what will happen and how society will react. Again they are trying to take over women’s rights to their own bodies.

Karolina Grabowska (Pexels)

The reason a woman might want to terminate a pregnancy is her own and she shouldn’t have to say why. Of course everyone has a different opinion about the topic, and not everyone agrees, which is absoloutely normal. Still why does a government or court have the right over a woman’s choice to do what she wants with her body? Why does there need to be a law about this? This has always been around you see, being able to control a person and that person being a woman who for some reason needs to have an abortion. I am not going to write here the various reasons a woman might need to have an abortion, but I will say it is unfair to women in this day and age to try and control their bodies.

Leave it alone is my opinion. Even if the Supreme Court overrules the decision, it does not mean women won’t find somewhere to have an abortion. This is what I was talking about in my other article, no equality between men and women. The pregnancy is in a woman’s body and it is her right to keep the child or not. To bring it into this world either to raise it or give it up to adoption, or have an abortion. I do not agree that this topic should be on the table for overruling, and there should not have to be a law about it in the first place. There should only be care provided for women if needed. Women always have to give explanations, isn’t if funny? Nothing has changed in this society, many things are still the same as in the old days.

I cannot believe that a anyone in a position of power could say that they have no idea how the public will react to the decision or any decision they take. You are a person in this society, you live with other people in this world do you not? You are in that position for the public, to serve the public. How can taking a decision like that not affect the women in our society? Because let’s face it this is only about women not men. I could go on about this, but I will not. I hope that these people that are making these decisions for the public actually take into consideration how the public will react and feel because that is their job, to understand what is going on in this society. Why not try and put yourselves in a woman’s shoes and see how it really is to be a woman.

I know that there are many who oppose abortion and I understand the reasons. This is why it should be the decision of the woman individually to decide if she is ever in this situation what she wants to do. I cannot and no one should judge a woman if her choice is to have an abortion, we are all people on this earth trying to live this life we have as best as we can. So, let us all be a little more understanding and more compassionate to each other.




This is my first time writing on a platform and sharing my thoughts. I have always wanted to write. I hope to inspire for positivity in people by sharing ideas.