Optimizing your Zingword translator profile for SEO

SEO? Yes. SEO. Your Zingword profile is on the internet!

SEO badass. Art by Decker Paydata @ Deviantart

Your Zingword profile is on the internet, and it is therefore something that can be optimized for SEO. Then, there is the Zingword search at zingword.com as well as those searches that take place via API from our partners — which have their own algorithms and which we call zSEO.

We’ll break this down into those two sections then and discuss how you can work to position your profile.


Appearing in a search

Our algorithms use the information on your profiles, information we produce manually ourselves, and whatever else available information we have to rank you for searches.

Getting into a search is as simple as making sure that you are using the right subject matters and keywords, and then also using your text areas to focus as well. The Zingword algorithms will try to understand what you do and match you to the right searches.


Beyond that, you’re looking at ranking, which is purely based on our “expected credibility score” together with other magic.

Ranking is a separate discussion entirely. This score is based on many different things, but one secret is that references definitely help!

Google SEO


There are several fields where the text you write can influence your SEO results. Text-heavy fields like About Me, Highlights, and Subject Matters highlights are all places where you can really score SEO points. However, any published information on the profile counts, including:

  • Subject matters
  • Keywords
  • CPD

The difficult part about optimizing your Zingword profile for SEO is that unless you specialize in just a few things within a subject-matter, you will have more keywords to position than can be successfully positioned with a single profile page. That being said, if you are really focused on medical or PROs or what have you, it is absolutely possible to position your page for those keywords.

Use markdown to create structured content

When you use the Zingword markdown editor to create structured content, like H1s, H2s, bolded texts, etc., you are able to do the same things with your Zingword page that you would do with any webpage. These things include:

  • Using keywords in optimal places like in headings
  • Bolding keywords and using variations of them in your text
  • Linking out to reputable sources
  • Keeping your text focused on that keyword

From there, to position a page for a keyword, you’ll need to link to that page from as many reputable places as possible. This may include asking other people to share your profile link on their sites.

Search for SEO on Zing and you’ll find plenty of translators who specialize in SEO who might offer you nuggets of advice!

