Viaction Assurance, an online life insurance carrier, has turned to Breathe Life to help drive, capture, and convert leads

ian jeffrey
2 min readSep 10, 2019


I am thrilled to announce our partnership with Viaction Assurance, an early-adopter of online life insurance sales.

Viaction Assurance has been selling life insurance products online, directly to consumers, since 2014. They recognized early on that there was an important segment of the market which was untapped and that could be reached by leveraging technology.

Most of our partners have implemented or are in the process of implementing some form of technology to aid in their distribution, but Viaction Assurance was ahead of the curve in that sense. Here was an insurance carrier that already had a fully-fledged digital solution and who had been selling insurance products online for years. However, they recognized that keeping up with the rapid changes in consumer buying habits and preferences was no easy feat. Although they had already built their platform, the maintenance, continuous market and product changes, as well as their need for business intelligence tools, meant that switching from an in-house solution to a SaaS platform would ensure they would continue to grow in the space. They looked to Breathe Life to help them with this. Our platform ensures that Viaction Assurance has a flexible offering to help them develop and test new markets, capture new customers, sell more products online, and better harness the power of data.

«“Our goal at Viaction Assurance is to provide financial security for everyone, and providing a great consumer experience is key to our success,” said Pierre-Paul Cournoyer, General Manager at Viaction Assurance Inc. “We wanted to maximize our online sales, however, we needed advanced tools and analytics to more effectively target, capture, convert, and retain customers — this is exactly what the Breathe Life platform provides.” »

Viaction Assurance has long been committed to innovation and making it easy for customers to do business with the company. This is why we’re so excited that they’ve chosen to use the Breathe Life Platform to double down on their commitment to investing in technology to deliver an exceptional customer experience throughout the client lifecycle.

It’s been a busy few months, stay tuned as I’ve got some more news coming your way soon!



ian jeffrey

Father. Husband. Speaker. Entrepreneur. Co-Founder of Breathe Life, FounderFuel & MTLinTECH.