Expanding Your Online Presence:

Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2017

In today’s blog post I will be talking about what it means to have an online presence along with how to expand your online presence. Now this isn't something which is easy and it takes a long time to do. But with some effort and dedication it can be accomplished but don’t expect too much.

Finding Acceptable Channels of Communication:

This can be difficult at first when you are first starting out. I’d say it’d be best if you connected with people who are interested in the same things as you who make content about it who are open to being communicated with. Ask them where they go and how they make their connections. Ask them what sort of places they go and what places are open to people sharing their content.

You see very few places are open to you sharing (advertising) your content. So if you can list the places which you can go then I’d regularly go there. I’d also ask that person what sort of questions they’ve had in their efforts to become a content creator and what answers they’ve had.

Don’t Be Openly Judgmental:

You can have an opinion or disagree with a whole community of people while being well known, accepted, and welcomed by the people of it. This is part of what makes a good content creator versus those who struggle to get any traction. Often times I hear all sorts of crazy stuff; but you know what drives people away faster than a charging bull? Having an imposing superiority complex and not giving people the time to hear everything they have to say until they are done talking.

Anyone can sit in Discord and talk a mile a minute while another person cuts them off and starts doing the same thing. You will notice the most respected and top ranking people in the online communities are those which listen to an individual in full before responding and have a full and wholesome dialog with the other person.

What does that have to do with being openly judgmental?

Well, in order to get people to listen to you they have to like you. In order for them to like you then they have to be willing to be around you. If you feel like categorizing someone and who they are before they even know you then you are speaking from a place of ignorance and that is very difficult for the majority of people to respect.

Be Consistent:

If you say to people, “I’m going to be writing a Medium blog every day and a video for that blog every afternoon” then do that. Nothing kills your online presence more than destruction of your credibility and reputation. Your brand is all about you so if you are going to tell people one thing about something be sure of it before you say it.

The difference between a fool and scholar is the fool lacks knowledge, lets ego drive them, and actively speaks without it. The scholar on the other hand has more credibility and accepts they don’t know everything and sets aside the time to become informed as to provide a respectable input on something.

The more respect you have with a large variety of people the more reputable you become. What does this have to do with being consistent? Everything. If you are solid and lack foolishness then you are consistent.



Editor for

I’ve been a member of the World of Warcraft community since 2008. I write articles related to gaming and technology.