How to Get Ahead

Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2017

So I’m writing this so that I can provide some tips on how you can get ahead in whatever you are doing and maximize the time you spend. I’ve learned this over a long period of time and it has taken a lot of self-discipline for me to start following this route.

Step 1: Go to Bed Early; Wake Up Very Early

I like to get to bed around 6PM with 7PM being the latest I’ll stay up and I wake up at 1AM in the morning to start my day.


Yep, it gives me hours to do whatever I want before heading out the door, I am well awake from a good night’s sleep and I can make a full breakfast, have some coffee, write my blog post, learn a new coding language, and take care of myself.

The drive into work?

Great, no traffic on the road at 3AM. I stop off and get something to eat; then I go into my place of work very early. I’m still off the clock mind you so I get started on getting ahead of my blog posts and writing things out ahead of time. I might design some new logos or something productive like that.

Step 2: Save the Easiest Stuff for the Week-End

I do all my vlogs for the next week over the weekend. Vlogs about blogs are very easy to do and are just you going at at a good length about whatever you’ve written about during the week.

Step 3: Cut Back on Socializing

You’ve got a lot to get done in order to say that you’ve truly tried to make things work. This means that you can’t spend more than 30 min a day socializing with friends. Try to time yourself and see how long you spend socializing with other people.

Yep, all that extra time could be used to sleep and moved over to the start of your day for more productive things. You are most productive when you first wake up from a good night’s sleep, eat well, and kick off every day the best way you can.

Step 4: Stay Positive

Listen to upbeat music that makes you feel good. Whenever you start feeling down ask yourself why that is and what that does for you. If the answer to that is negative or harmful then focus on something else.



Editor for

I’ve been a member of the World of Warcraft community since 2008. I write articles related to gaming and technology.